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Hi, please have a look to the attached photo. It shows, here from orbit,
the distant haze at the horizon that makes the horizon line less visible.
I am working on my 1850s Mississippi Paddle-Wheel Steamboat, and need
such a horizon-affecting distant haze, too. But i tried ground fog and
regular fog already, and did not achieve the desired effect.
Does anyone of us POV-Ray community citizens have some tricks that can
do that? Maybe a huge torus with some sort of media in it? That would be
my guess (I however have almost no clue how to create media). Doing it
at the moment with Photoshop only...
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Download 'sl - mississippi paddle-wheel steamer - prow - side.jpg' (530 KB)
Preview of image 'button_titan_110km.jpg'

Preview of image 'sl - mississippi paddle-wheel steamer - prow - side.jpg'

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Le 18-03-31 à 06:49, Sven Littkowski a écrit :
> Hi, please have a look to the attached photo. It shows, here from orbit,
> the distant haze at the horizon that makes the horizon line less visible.
> I am working on my 1850s Mississippi Paddle-Wheel Steamboat, and need
> such a horizon-affecting distant haze, too. But i tried ground fog and
> regular fog already, and did not achieve the desired effect.
> Does anyone of us POV-Ray community citizens have some tricks that can
> do that? Maybe a huge torus with some sort of media in it? That would be
> my guess (I however have almost no clue how to create media). Doing it
> at the moment with Photoshop only...
> ---
> Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.
> http://www.avg.com
Using fog, you probably need to increase the distance parameter.
Otherwise, I'd use some atmospheric scattering media using the mie_haze
or mie_murky model. You need to use a low density. A sample count of 3
to 5 should be enough.
Don't forget to provide some actual back plane behind that fog or media.
It can be a simple plane with pigment{rgbt 1}.
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Thanks. But would atmospheric scattering media not be hazy to all
directions? I still want to see the deep-blue sky (sphere), just at the
horizon i want to have that blurred stripe of hazy distance haze.
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Thanks. But would atmospheric scattering media not be hazy to all
directions? I still want to see the deep-blue sky (sphere), just at the
horizon i want to have that blurred stripe of hazy distance haze.
I still give a try, always curious. :-D
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Am 31.03.2018 um 19:53 schrieb Sven Littkowski:
> Thanks. But would atmospheric scattering media not be hazy to all
> directions? I still want to see the deep-blue sky (sphere), just at the
> horizon i want to have that blurred stripe of hazy distance haze.
For realistic results, I alwasy recommend to consider reality:
In reality, the reason why the haze is only visible toward the horizon
is because the atmosphere gets less dense as you go up.
So that's exactly what I'd do with the media.
(I'd use two different media, one just for the blue with density
corresponding to atmospheric density to model some clear air, and
another one more strongly confined to lower altitudes for a white-ish
hazy air. For the blue component, Rayleigh scattering should be used
because that's what happens in the atmosphere, and for the white-ish
component one of the haze scattering modes is probbably best suited,
modelling larger dirt particles.)
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You could try this code, changing the colours of the media of course to
white or very light grey.
//start code
#local SkyScale = 100;
#local Density_out =
density {
bozo //agate
density_map {
[0.2 rgb 1.0]
[0.5 rgb 0.2]
[0.8 rgb 1.0]
scale 0.05 //0.1
warp {turbulence <0.5 0.4, 0.5>*2}
#local MistSphere =
difference {
sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1}
plane {-y, 0 translate 10/SkyScale*y}
texture {pigment {rgb 0 transmit 1} }
interior {
media {
intervals 1
absorption <0.10, 0.10, 0.12>
scattering {1, rgb <1, 1, 0.8>*1.4/SkyScale}
samples 50
confidence 0.9999
variance 1/1000
ratio 0.9
density {
density_map {
[0.880 Density_out]
[0.960 rgb 0]
scale SkyScale
translate CamLoc
//end code
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Working with this feature now, trying to make some changes. I need the
haze at the horizon, but not too much higher than it. Changing the
spherical density map to a gradient density map, maybe that can do the
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Okay, for the amusement, I am posting now some of my results of creating
a "horizon haze". Not finish yet, but the first results are from ...
some other dimension (the image with the black fragments).
The second image shows ground fog, but the disadvantage here is that
this fog makes the water whitish with its own light color. Is there a
way to cut away any part of the ground fog that is below -0.75?
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Download 'horizon haze - 01.jpg' (96 KB)
Download 'horizon haze - 02.jpg' (47 KB)
Preview of image 'horizon haze - 01.jpg'

Preview of image 'horizon haze - 02.jpg'

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Am 26.04.2018 um 18:15 schrieb Sven Littkowski:
> Okay, for the amusement, I am posting now some of my results of creating
> a "horizon haze". Not finish yet, but the first results are from ...
> some other dimension (the image with the black fragments).
> The second image shows ground fog, but the disadvantage here is that
> this fog makes the water whitish with its own light color. Is there a
> way to cut away any part of the ground fog that is below -0.75?
IIRC you can set up "negative" ground fog to counteract the positive one.
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The following has worked fairly well for me in the past. Tweak, by all
#declare NearFogColor = <0.799, 0.799, 0.80>*1.2; //Blueish color
#declare FarFogColor = <0.90, 0.90, 0.90>; //Light gray horizon color
//Near fog
fog {distance 4000 fog_type 2 fog_offset 25 fog_alt 20 color srgb
//Distant fog
fog {distance 8000 fog_type 2 fog_offset 25 fog_alt 20 color srgb
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