Because the previous thread has become so large, it is hard to keep an
overview. Thus I am starting now this thread as part 2 of that
remarkable thread.
To develop a scene where tall futuristic skyscrapers rise above cloud
level, not necessarily on Earth.
Such scenes can be very beautiful. My original intention was to make
this scene public domain, allowing everyone to use it. But the scene
received so much valuable input of so many members of our great
community that I feel I need to ask everyone who helped for their
permission - a lot of source code was submitted by so many members.
I can even imagine, each POV-Ray community member with interest in this
project can design the interior of his/her own flying home (a flattened
bubble with a diameter of 20 meters) and submit it to this thread as
self-sustaining INCLUDE file. Those home bubbles hover above or below
the clouds or can land or even swim on the water, or they are anchored
in large swarms along the futuristic skyscrapers). The bubble design
will at one point be submitted by me into this thread or an own thread
for you to use. Basically, it has one round floor and a transparent
wall/roof. Only the bottom is non-transparent, it hosts the antigrav
modules in a ring along the lower bubble inside. The center of the
bubble has one lowered floor and one raised floor. On three sides, the
bubble will have docking mechanisms for towers or other bubbles.
The basic scene layout is there: a layer of clouds, two suns, even a gas
At the moment, there is a big problem to set the colors correctly for
this scene, as each color change causes many other colors to change
unpredictably, too. This need to be fixed, then everyone using this
scene can easily use the own colors of desire.
The two suns don't look like suns but just like luminescent discs. No
glow, and their colors are not correct, too: the large sun should be dim
red, and the small sun should be white-glowing blue, each having a glow
around them.
The illumination doesn't come from these two suns, but from a
traditional light_source. making it come from these two suns, and using
their own light color, would be more authentic.
The large gas planet needs some overhaul, but that is a fairly easy task
I can do on my own. Priority for that, however, is low at this moment
(as I can solve that at any given time by myself).
#version 3.8;
#declare MyRadiosity = on;
assumed_gamma 1.4
radiosity { media on }
finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 1.0 }
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "glass.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "golds.inc"
/*ultra_wide_angle*/ //angle 20
location < -35.0 , 11.0 , 0.0 >
//right x*image_width/image_height // not needed for v3.8
look_at < 0.0 , 5.0 , 0.0 >
// sun
-z*9999.0//< 50, 100, -250 >*10e4
color 1.0 * 1.3//< 1.0, 0.62353, 0.46667 >*2
rotate < 20.0, 240.0, 0.0 > // altitude, azimuth, tilt
// sky -------------------------------------------------------------------
background { color rgb 0.0 }
0.0, y, 1.0, 0.0
hollow on
pigment { rgb < 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 > }
scale 100.0
translate y*100.0
// ground -----------------------------------------------------------------
< -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 > < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >
pigment { color rgb 1.0 }
scale < 555.0, 497.0, 555.0 >
translate -y*494.0
// Clouds
#local Scale = 5.0;
#declare Clouds = density
ripples // controls the cloud formation
[ 0.33 rgb 10.0 ]
[ 0.67 rgb 100.0 ]
scale < 3.0, 1.0, 10.0 >*0.5
warp { turbulence < 2.5, 1.0, 1.6 > }
rotate 45.0*y
//cloud layer:
< -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 > < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >
pigment { rgbt 1.0 }
samples 20
absorption < 3.0, 4.0, 0.5 >*1.0/(Scale*100.0)
emission < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >*0.5/(Scale*100.0)
< 0.5, 0.75, 1.5 >*3.0/(Scale*100.0)
extinction 0.5
[ 0.000 rgb 0.0 ]
[ 0.001 Clouds scale 1.0/100.0 ]
scale Scale*100.0
translate -y*494.0
< 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >, 1.0
pigment { rgbt 1.0 }
samples 20
absorption 0.5
< 1.25, 1.0, 1.5 >*2.0/Scale
extinction 0.67
eccentricity 0.2
gradient y
[ 0.00 rgb 1.0 ] //base ground fog
[ 0.10 rgb < 9.0, 0.3, 0.10 > ] //top ground fog
[ 0.30 rgb < 0.9, 0.3, 0.10 > ] //top ground fog
[ 0.50 rgb < 0.5, 0.1, 0.09 >*0.100 ] //base atmospheric haze
[ 0.67 rgb < 0.1, 0.2, 0.90 >*0.100 ] //top atmospheric haze
[ 1.00 rgb < 0.1, 0.3, 0.90 >*0.001 ] //top atmospheric haze
[ 0.00 rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.00 >*1.000 ] //base ground fog
[ 0.10 rgb < 3.0, 0.3, 0.10 >*1.000 ] //top ground fog
[ 0.30 rgb < 0.3, 0.3, 0.10 >*1.000 ] //top ground fog
[ 0.50 rgb < 0.5, 0.1, 0.09 >*0.100 ] //base atmospheric haze
[ 0.67 rgb < 0.3, 0.7, 1.00 >*0.100 ] //top atmospheric haze
[ 1.00 rgb < 0.3, 0.7, 1.00 >*0.001 ] //top atmospheric haze
rotate -x*15.0
warp { spherical }
scale Scale*2.0*y
scale Scale*111.0
translate -y*535.0
// Planet:
< 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > 7.0
gradient y
[ 0.00 rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.10 rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.12 rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.15 rgb < 0.80392, 0.66275, 0.47059 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.20 rgb < 0.80392, 0.66275, 0.47059 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.22 rgb < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.27 rgb < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.40 rgb < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.43 rgb < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.45 rgb < 0.20392, 0.24314, 0.41176 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.55 rgb < 0.20392, 0.24314, 0.41176 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.57 rgb < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.60 rgb < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.73 rgb < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.78 rgb < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.80 rgb < 0.80392, 0.66275, 0.47059 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.85 rgb < 0.80392, 0.66275, 0.47059 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.88 rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >*0.05 ]
[ 0.90 rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >*0.05 ]
[ 1.00 rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >*0.05 ]
turbulence 0.3
translate < 0.0, -7.0, 0.0 >
scale 14.0
cylinder { < 0.0, -0.00001, 0.0 > < 0.0, 0.00001, 0.0 > 16.0 }
cylinder { < 0.0, -0.00002, 0.0 > < 0.0, 0.00002, 0.0 > 10.0 }
[ 0.00 rgbt < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.60 rgbt < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.62 rgbt < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.63 rgbt < 0.80392, 0.66275, 0.47059, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.66 rgbt < 0.80392, 0.66275, 0.47059, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.67 rgbt < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.71 rgbt < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.73 rgbt < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.76 rgbt < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.80 rgbt < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.81 rgbt < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.82 rgbt < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.83 rgbt < 0.47451, 0.30980, 0.14118, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.86 rgbt < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.88 rgbt < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.89 rgbt < 0.80392, 0.66275, 0.47059, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.91 rgbt < 0.80392, 0.66275, 0.47059, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.97 rgbt < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373, 0.7 > ]
[ 0.99 rgbt < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373, 0.7 > ]
[ 1.00 rgbt < 0.63922, 0.55686, 0.31373, 0.7 > ]
scale 16.0
finish { emission 0.1 }
scale 250.0
rotate < -10.0, -20.0, 50.0 >
translate < 160.0, 50.0, -100.0 >*33.0
// Big Sun
#declare SunLarge = union
< 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > 1.0
gradient y
[ 0.00 rgb < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > ]
[ 0.50 rgb < 1.5, 0.0, 0.1 > ]
[ 1.00 rgb < 3.0, 0.0, 0.1 >*5.0 ]
translate < 0.0, -0.5, 0.0 >
scale 2.0
finish { emission 1.0 }
scale 12.0
scale 66.0
translate < 160.0, 0.0, 78.0 >*33.0
// Small Sun
#declare SunSmall = union
< 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > 1.0
pigment { color rgb < 0.23529, 0.11373, 0.46275 >*1.0 }
finish { emission 0.0 }
scale 66.0
translate < 160.0, 25.0, 112.0 >*33.0
object { SunLarge }
object { SunSmall }
#local S=seed(4132);
#for (It,1.0,8.0,1.0)
#local xR=rand(S);
#local yR=rand(S);
#local zR=rand(S);
#local xR2=rand(S);
#local yR2=rand(S);
#local zR2=rand(S);
0.0, 1.0
scale < 1.0+xR, 8.0+yR*4, 1.0+zR >/2.0
color rgb 0.1 color rgb 0.9 scale 0.5
translate (-< xR*20.0,0.0,zR*20.0 > + <xR2*40.0, 0.0, zR2*40.0 >)/2.0
rotate y*90.0
translate < -20.0, 2.0, 5.0 >
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