David Buck <dav### [at] simberon com> wrote:
> This is a screenshot from the HexSolve game for Android and iOS. See
> the discussion in povray.general for details.
Hi David,
I downloaded your game, and have played with it a few times in my rare moments
of free time.
Perhaps you could have a Help / Rules option or at least a splash screen with
_some_ instruction about what to do when the game first starts.
Also, on the website, it would be helpful to have a more detailed description
about HOW to play the game. You have the "what" - the goal to be achieved, but
there's not much in the way of clarifying game mechanics.
One or two simple played-out examples (these can simply be stepwise screenshots
with arrows to indicate swipes) would probably suffice.
That was just my first impression.
I hope that helps.
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