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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Valles Marineris from STL to POV-Ray
Date: 18 Aug 2017 07:30:10
Message: <5996cfc2@news.povray.org>
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Following Sven's questions in p.general about stl conversion to POV-Ray,
here is an image of a Mars landscape (obj file converted from stl using
Meshlab) as seen in Poseray (before exporting to POV-Ray obviously).
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Very nice! And a good example of your STL conversion steps.
I would like to imagine that NASA has created a LARGE full 3-D globe of Mars-- a
real-life globe-- carved from the planetary data. That would be something to
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"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> I would like to imagine that NASA has created a LARGE full 3-D globe of Mars-- a
> real-life globe-- carved from the planetary data. That would be something to
> see!
Well, I would say that is all of the data is available, and since
planet-building seems to be a long-standing interest of Povvers, that maybe such
a thing would make a nice, long-term group project.
I'm sure we could learn a lot and discover more things about what POV-Ray can &
can't do, and it would make a pretty nice PR piece.
"Hobbyists model ALL of Mars in POV-Ray, a free raytracer with a 25-year
It would be a really good test bed for view frustum and back-face culling, all
sorts of mesh-related work, and probably media for the atmosphere.
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On 18-8-2017 18:59, Bald Eagle wrote:
> "Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmail com> wrote:
>> I would like to imagine that NASA has created a LARGE full 3-D globe of Mars-- a
>> real-life globe-- carved from the planetary data. That would be something to
>> see!
> Well, I would say that is all of the data is available, and since
> planet-building seems to be a long-standing interest of Povvers, that maybe such
> a thing would make a nice, long-term group project.
> I'm sure we could learn a lot and discover more things about what POV-Ray can &
> can't do, and it would make a pretty nice PR piece.
> "Hobbyists model ALL of Mars in POV-Ray, a free raytracer with a 25-year
> history..."
> It would be a really good test bed for view frustum and back-face culling, all
> sorts of mesh-related work, and probably media for the atmosphere.
Well, as far as Earth is concerned, Christoph Hormann did this:
However, the question might be asked about the above: is it really
worthwhile to model a whole planet as a mesh? From a distance, elevation
features get lost and can better be replaced by appropriate image_maps
and bump_maps (NASA provides those too!); for a close view, mesh tiles
like those NASA produces for Mars are much better suited.
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On 19.08.2017 02:47, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> On 18-8-2017 18:59, Bald Eagle wrote:
>> "Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmail com> wrote:
>>> I would like to imagine that NASA has created a LARGE full 3-D globe
>>> of Mars-- a
>>> real-life globe-- carved from the planetary data. That would be
>>> something to
>>> see!
>> Well, I would say that is all of the data is available, and since
>> planet-building seems to be a long-standing interest of Povvers, that
>> maybe such
>> a thing would make a nice, long-term group project.
>> I'm sure we could learn a lot and discover more things about what
>> POV-Ray can &
>> can't do, and it would make a pretty nice PR piece.
>> "Hobbyists model ALL of Mars in POV-Ray, a free raytracer with a 25-year
>> history..."
>> It would be a really good test bed for view frustum and back-face
>> culling, all
>> sorts of mesh-related work, and probably media for the atmosphere.
> Well, as far as Earth is concerned, Christoph Hormann did this:
> http://earth.imagico.de/view.php?site=oman1
> However, the question might be asked about the above: is it really
> worthwhile to model a whole planet as a mesh? From a distance, elevation
> features get lost and can better be replaced by appropriate image_maps
> and bump_maps (NASA provides those too!); for a close view, mesh tiles
> like those NASA produces for Mars are much better suited.
Group Project about Mars:
Please refer to the The "POV-Ray Base on Mars" thread. I mentioned my
mars base to become a group project some days ago, and am happy to see
here a good resonace to such proposals.
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