One of the attached images was rendered with an area light, the other
with the point light. The area light is very much too bright, and turns
the screen white, due to interactions with media. How can I fix this issue?
Here are my lights:
// area light
0, lamp_color * (1 + pow(city_radius/lamp_radius2, 2))
+z * lamp_length, +y, lamp_number, 1
area_illumination on
fade_distance lamp_radius2
fade_power 2
looks_like {lamp_bulb}
//point light
0, lamp_color * (1 + pow(city_radius/lamp_radius2, 2))
fade_distance lamp_radius2
fade_power 2
looks_like {lamp_bulb}
Here is my media and its container:
cylinder {+z*(city_length/2), -z*(city_length/2), city_radius}
#if (!ShowWhole)
object {cutaway_object1}
material {atmos_material}
bounded_by {cylinder {+z*(city_length/2+inner_shell_bulge),
-z*(city_length/2+inner_shell_bulge), city_radius}}
scale 1.001
Thanks for the help!
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Download 'gh_scene_spinner_cutaway_e_yeslamp_yesatmos_area.png' (19 KB)
Download 'gh_scene_spinner_cutaway_e_yeslamp_yesatmos_simple.png' (430 KB)
Preview of image 'gh_scene_spinner_cutaway_e_yeslamp_yesatmos_area.png'

Preview of image 'gh_scene_spinner_cutaway_e_yeslamp_yesatmos_simple.png'

On 4/1/2017 1:02 AM, Mike Horvath wrote:
> One of the attached images was rendered with an area light, the other
> with the point light. The area light is very much too bright, and turns
> the screen white, due to interactions with media. How can I fix this issue?
> Here is my media and its container:
Oops. Here is the media:
#declare atmos_material = material
texture {pigment {color rgbt 1}}
4, rgb <0.2,0.4,1.0>/20000
extinction 1
samples 10
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Am 01.04.2017 um 07:02 schrieb Mike Horvath:
> One of the attached images was rendered with an area light, the other
> with the point light. The area light is very much too bright, and turns
> the screen white, due to interactions with media. How can I fix this issue?
That should be easy: Just fix the media.
Because it's not the area light that is too bright -- it's the point
light that appears too dim, thanks to being concentrated to just the
center of the illuminating rod.
Or at least that's what I think is going on. You might experiment with
this a bit, e.g. by replacing the area light with a corresponding array
of point lights (say, 1000 point lights of 1/1000 the brightness).
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