I've continued to work with POV-Ray's blob object over the past month
plus, trying to understand what can be accomplished. I suppose much of I
am figuring out is known to those at POV-Ray longer than me, but if new
to me as a long time user, perhaps new news to others too. All three of
the images I entered in the recent TC-RTC abstract competition are blob
based for those who might be interested:
In part for the blobRGB image above, I developed a BlobBlur() macro I've
posted in povray.binaries.scene-files at:
with the thought others might find it useful. It is an attempt to
encapsulate a little of the image processing which can be accomplished
via blobs. The attached demo image, with three rows of three sub-images,
shows in left to right, top to bottom order : No blur, gaussian blur by
offset, gaussian blur by convolution kernel, upward only directional
blur, blur with >1 pixel spread, image merging, localized blur,
localized non-blur and a blur-merge effect I called DirtyOldSlide.
As with other POV-Ray pattern/texture averaging methods, performance
slows significantly as the number of textures averaged via blob
components grows.
Bill P.
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Download 'blobblurdemo.jpg' (273 KB)
Preview of image 'blobblurdemo.jpg'

El 22/02/16 a las 02:52, William F Pokorny escribió:
> perhaps new news to others
Indeed... POV-Ray and some of its users never cease to amaze me.
> As with other POV-Ray pattern/texture averaging methods...
Reinventing the wheel is funny, isn't it? Specially if it's in a
bizarre way (blobs for blurring? OMG!). ;)
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