On 05/24/2015 04:56 AM, Lars Rohwedder wrote:
> Do you have other ideas for other "rounded" objects? :-)
Whatever this thing is, it is made of POV-Ray primitives that are
patched with isosurfaces where they join. The isosurfaces are blobbed
with functions from the RoundEdge module of the Object Collection.
The white circle on the right edge of one the images is an unimplemented
lamp fixture. Pay it no mind.
----------[BEGIN CODE EXCERPT]----------
#include "functions.inc"
#include "roundedge.inc"
#declare fn_Cone = function
{ f_sphere (x, 0, z, -0.5 * y)
#declare rEdge_cone = 1.5;
#declare RBlob_torus = sqrt(3);
#declare Cone_blob = isosurface
{ function
{ 1 - sqrt
( RE_fn_Blob2 (fn_Cone (x, y, z), rEdge_cone)
+ RE_fn_Blob2 (-y, rEdge_cone)
contained_by { box { -rEdge_cone, <rEdge_cone, 0.01, rEdge_cone> } }
max_gradient 1.12 / rEdge_cone
#declare Sphere_blob = isosurface
{ function
{ 1 - sqrt
( RE_fn_Blob2 (f_sphere (x, y, z + 4, 4), 1)
+ RE_fn_Blob2 (-z, 1)
contained_by { box { -<3, 3, 1>, <3, 3, 0.01> } }
max_gradient 1
#declare Torus_blob = isosurface
{ function
{ 1 - sqrt
( RE_fn_Blob2 (f_torus (x - 4, z, y, 3, 1), 1)
+ RE_fn_Blob2 (x, 1)
contained_by { box { -<0.01, 3, RBlob_torus>, <1, 3, RBlob_torus> } }
max_gradient 1
#declare Torus_and_blob = union
{ object { Torus_blob }
torus { 3, 1 rotate 90 * x translate 4 * x }
translate <5, 13, 0>
#declare A = sqrt (0.2);
#declare B = 1 + A;
#declare R2 = 4 - B / 2;
#declare R1 = R2 - 2 * A;
{ RE_Box (<-5, 8, -5>, <5, 18, 5>, 1, no)
cone { B * y, R2, 8 * y, 0 }
cylinder { 0, B * y, R1 }
torus { R1, 1 translate y }
object { Cone_blob translate 8 * y }
sphere { <0, 13, -9>, 4 }
object { Sphere_blob translate <0, 13, -5> }
object { Torus_and_blob }
object { Torus_and_blob scale <-1, 1, 1> }
scale 1/10
-----------[END CODE EXCERPT]-----------
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