And a view at altitude 10 km. I put Tethys and Titan a little bit higher
than the plane of the ring for artistic reasons.
Note that the ring material is composed of two isosurfaces, one for the
finer fraction (only a crackle function) and one for the coarser
fraction. Additionally 3 million rocks form the coarsest fraction.
//Isosurface for the finer ring elements (thanks to Christian Froeschlin)
#declare f_particles =
function(x,y,z) {
- f_crackle(400*x, 400*y, 400*z)
+ f_bozo(x*100, y*100, z*100)
- f_waves(x*100+f_bozo(x*100,0,0), y*10+f_bozo(0,y*10,0),
#declare f_fineparticles =
function(x,y,z) {0.7 - f_crackle(x*800, y*800, z*800)}
intersection {
union {
isosurface {
function {f_particles(x,y,z)}
contained_by {
box {<0.00, -0.5*0.01, -117581.00*0.001>, <117581.00*0.001,
0.5*0.01, 117581.00*0.001>}
accuracy 0.0001
max_gradient 1000
texture {
pigment {srgb <0.96, 0.96, 0.98>*0.75}
finish {diffuse 0.8 specular 0.2 roughness 0.001}
isosurface {
function {f_fineparticles(x,y,z)}
contained_by {
box {<0.00, -0.4*0.01, -117581.00*0.001>, <117581.00*0.001,
0.4*0.01, 117581.00*0.001>}
accuracy 0.0001
max_gradient 1000
texture {
pigment {srgb <0.94, 0.94, 0.90>*0.5}
finish {diffuse 0.8 specular 0.2 roughness 0.001}
difference {
cylinder {<0, -1, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 117580.00*0.001}
cylinder {<0, -1.1, 0>, <0, 1.1, 0>, 92000.00*0.001}
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For different reasons, I have decided to use different ring thicknesses
according to the views. Overviews - like this one - uses thicker rings
than close ups. This implies also different ring parameters.
Here, the ring structure is conspicuously determined by the method 3
scattering media with a wave density pattern. This last also uses a
density map with real colours taken from a ring photograph. They are
much subdued here, I guess because the ring particles are of a uniform
texture ans should also bear the same pigment map pattern. Something I
need to test.
My first image using alpha version 3.71, incorporating the new
brilliance code in radiosity and in finish. However, settings are
conservative so nothing really different is visible at present.
I wanted to test the non-linear gradients but was unable to make it
work. From Clipka's note I assumed it should be added to the color or
pigment map blocks but that gives an error, as also added to the pigment
block. I need some guidance here.
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