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From: Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann
Subject: Illegal character in input file?
Date: 25 Dec 2014 21:38:50
Message: <549cca3a@news.povray.org>
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Inspired by Christian Froeschlin's link to the new high-quality JPL
mosaic maps of Saturnian moons, I tried to re-activate my PoVSolar
project, starting with view of Mimas - but all I got on
povray +ipovsolar.pov +opovsolar.png +fn +h768 +w1024 +a0.3
was this:
Parse Error: Illegal character in input file, value is ffffffef.
I initially thought it was because of non-standard ASCII characters in
the comments at the beginning - but even after replacing them, the error
message prevailed.
The code (which is some 3,000 lines) is attached below...
See you in Khyberspace!
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Download 'povsolar.pov.txt' (103 KB)
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Am 26.12.2014 um 03:39 schrieb Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann:
> Hi(gh)!
> Inspired by Christian Froeschlin's link to the new high-quality JPL
> mosaic maps of Saturnian moons, I tried to re-activate my PoVSolar
> project, starting with view of Mimas - but all I got on
> povray +ipovsolar.pov +opovsolar.png +fn +h768 +w1024 +a0.3
> was this:
> Parse Error: Illegal character in input file, value is ffffffef.
> I initially thought it was because of non-standard ASCII characters in
> the comments at the beginning - but even after replacing them, the error
> message prevailed.
Are you sure it is not fffffeff?
Your file is UTF8-encoded with a leading Byte Order Mark (zero-width
non-breaking space, U+FEFF), which might give POV-Ray trouble; it also
might erroneously be displayed as "fffffeff" rather than "feff".
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On 26.12.2014 07:54, clipka wrote:
> Are you sure it is not fffffeff?
> Your file is UTF8-encoded with a leading Byte Order Mark (zero-width
> non-breaking space, U+FEFF), which might give POV-Ray trouble; it also
> might erroneously be displayed as "fffffeff" rather than "feff".
I changed the encoding to ISO 8859-1, and the error disappeared. But now
I have another problem: regardless of however I edit povray.conf, I
always get
Parse Error: Reading from
sa_6132x3066_bright.png' is not permitted. Check the configuration in
The I/O restriction section in povray.conf looks this way:
[File I/O Security]
none ; all read and write operations on files are allowed.
;read-only ; uses the "read+write" directories for writing (see below).
;restricted ; uses _only_ "read" and "read+write" directories for file
Even after adding an additional
read+write* = /media/Raytracing/Povscn/PoVSolar/
the error doesn't disappear!
See you in Khyberspace!
Now playing: Diagrams of Cities (Feltman Trommelt)
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