I started designing an isosurface planet for my "Port Whatmough" city
project... the land-sea ratio is quite what I aimed at, also the
planet-wide elevation range (deepest point of the ocean ~-7500 m,
highest mountain on land ~7200 m), but I wanted broader low plains
(green in the cylindrical map generated from the isosurface) and
mountain areas (orange to brown) mostly as ranges rather than massive
Is it a matter of careful mixing pigment functions, e. g. using average?
Which additional functions would you recommend?
Here is the isosurface code:
#declare S = // basic spherical shape
function { x*x + y*y + z*z -1 }
#declare Terrain_Part1_Function=
crackle form <0, 0.3, 0>
scale 10
translate <2, 0, 0>
turbulence 0.5
octaves 8
omega 0.6
lambda 2.07
poly_wave 0.53
#declare Terrain_Function=
function { S(x, y, z) + Terrain_Part1_Function (x*5,y*5,z*5)*0.02 }
#declare Whatmough=
function { Terrain_Function(x, y, z) }
sphere { 0, 2 }
max_gradient 10
// accuracy pow(10, -clock/25)
texture { T_Whatmough }
scale 5794
The ocean is an additional sphere with a radius of 5773.1.
See you in Khyberspace!
Now playing: The Hurt (Cat Stevens)
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Download '2012-07-04 whatmough, take 11.jpg' (20 KB)
Download '2012-07-04 whatmough, take 12.jpg' (17 KB)
Download '2012-07-07 whatmough, simple cylindrical map, no legend, take 1.png' (38 KB)
Preview of image '2012-07-04 whatmough, take 11.jpg'

Preview of image '2012-07-04 whatmough, take 12.jpg'

Preview of image '2012-07-07 whatmough, simple cylindrical map, no legend, take 1.png'

There are at least two functions which are useful for building mountain
ranges: f_hetero_mf() and especially f_ridged_mf(). You can /add/ those
to your Terrain_Function.
> Hi(gh)!
> I started designing an isosurface planet for my "Port Whatmough" city
> project... the land-sea ratio is quite what I aimed at, also the
> planet-wide elevation range (deepest point of the ocean ~-7500 m,
> highest mountain on land ~7200 m), but I wanted broader low plains
> (green in the cylindrical map generated from the isosurface) and
> mountain areas (orange to brown) mostly as ranges rather than massive
> plateaus.
> Is it a matter of careful mixing pigment functions, e. g. using average?
> Which additional functions would you recommend?
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