Showcasing a mechanism to speed up scenes with both subsurface
scattering and radiosity.
First image: Current implementation; radiosity-based illumination is
subject to subsurface effects; this was necessary with RC3 syntax
because the effective object color was independent of the pigment.
Render time: 2439 CPU seconds (>5 min real time) on a Core i7 machine.
Second image: Subsurface effects are applied to direct illumination
only, while radiosity-based illumination is applied as if the object had
a classic texture; this is possible with RC4 syntax because it makes
sure that the effective object color is approximately the same with and
without SSLT. Render time: 325 CPU seconds (<41 seconds real time) on
same machine.
While there are obvious differences, I guess many users will feel that
they are more than outweighed by the tremendous gain in speed, so I'm
pretty sure it'll make it into POV-Ray soon (not sure whether it will
make it in time for RC4 though).
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Download 'subsurface_sr1_rs1_2439.png' (490 KB)
Download 'subsurface_sr0_rs1_325.png' (463 KB)
Preview of image 'subsurface_sr1_rs1_2439.png'

Preview of image 'subsurface_sr0_rs1_325.png'
