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From: Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann
Subject: Problem with a nested texture_map
Date: 10 Dec 2010 16:09:22
Message: <4d029702@news.povray.org>
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While playing around with SRTM elevation tiles, I just tried to program
a slope-dependent texture_map which also takes elevation above sea level
into account.
As real world altitudes stretch from -422 (Dead Sea) to 8848 metres (Mt.
Everest) and I applied the composite texture_map (see code below)
*after* scaling the heightfields, I used height values in metres rather
than the common relative values from 0 to 1.
But regardless of this, PoV-Ray seems to interpret them as relative
values, so the bright yellow T_Beach texture, which was meant to be
constrained to the lowermost three metres above sea level, shows up
throughout all of the terrain (with the highest mountain visible in the
scene being about 700 metres high). Why?
Code, scene image and hightfield are attached here!
See you in Khyberspace!
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> As real world altitudes stretch from -422 (Dead Sea) to 8848 metres (Mt.
> Everest) and I applied the composite texture_map (see code below)
> *after* scaling the heightfields, I used height values in metres rather
> than the common relative values from 0 to 1.
I don't think any pattern can yield values > 1.0.
Try dividing all values in the map by 1200 and
using "gradient 1200*y" instead.
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From: Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann
Subject: Re: Problem with a nested texture_map
Date: 10 Dec 2010 21:25:14
Message: <4d02e10a@news.povray.org>
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On 11.12.2010 01:30, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> I don't think any pattern can yield values > 1.0.
> Try dividing all values in the map by 1200 and
> using "gradient 1200*y" instead.
You probably mean 9270 rather than 1200, as 9270 is the heightfield's
size in the y direction (422+8848)... so I divided all texture_map
values by 9270, but regardless whether I used gradient y or gradient
y*9270, attached below is what I got...
See you in Khyberspace!
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What I generally do is determine the minimum and maximum extent of the
height_field using:
#declare Min = min_extent(Landscape).y;
#declare Max = max_extent(Landscape).y;
and use those values in the altitude parameter:
altitude <0.0, 0.2, 0.0> , Min , Max
You may then have to experiment further with your pigment_map{}
texture_map{} values of course to get what you want.
Hope this helps
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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: Problem with a nested texture_map
Date: 11 Dec 2010 17:31:23
Message: <4d03fbbb@news.povray.org>
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> You probably mean 9270 rather than 1200
I mentioned 1200 because of the values used in your original map
[0 TM_Shore]
[1200 TM_Alpine]
> but regardless whether I used gradient y or gradient y*9270
oops, sorry, I misremembered how gradient treats the
length of the direction vector. Instead, try
gradient y scale <1,9270,1>
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From: Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann
Subject: Re: Problem with a nested texture_map
Date: 12 Dec 2010 03:26:36
Message: <4d04873c@news.povray.org>
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On 11.12.2010 23:31, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> oops, sorry, I misremembered how gradient treats the
> length of the direction vector. Instead, try
> gradient y scale <1,9270,1>
Or, instead, scale the whole texture afterwards to 9270 before applying
them to the heightfield! Worked quite well... as you can see in the
attachment below!
Nevertheless, thanks for your suggestion!
See you in Khyberspace!
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