POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Scrabble WIP : Scrabble WIP Server Time
2 Dec 2024 18:41:44 EST (-0500)
  Scrabble WIP  
From: Chris R
Date: 19 Nov 2024 17:30:00
Message: <web.673d112163b0814d33dbb0635cc1b6e@news.povray.org>
I thought I'd share this bit of a scene I am working on.  This is an 8k image
rendering of the parts of the scene I have mostly finished.  It is rendered with
some moderate radiosity, but still only took about 3 minutes.  (There is only
one light source at this point).

Again, mostly isosurface objects.  The scrabble board surface is just a bunch of
texture layers, including the wear patterns and stains.

Suggestions are welcome on where to go from here...

-- Chris R.

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Download 'scene-v1.2-8k-q4-2024-11-19.png' (1979 KB)

Preview of image 'scene-v1.2-8k-q4-2024-11-19.png'


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