POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Early Holidays : Early Holidays Server Time
2 Dec 2024 18:02:14 EST (-0500)
  Early Holidays  
From: Chris R
Date: 6 Nov 2024 16:15:00
Message: <web.672bdb7f7be4c8d64a0708c75cc1b6e@news.povray.org>
I got a jump on the holidays, and since the stores, radio, and many houses have
decorated for Christmas before Halloween was even over, I decided to post it

Surprisingly, (to me), this only took 90 minutes to render.  It has some very
light radiosity since it is mostly lit with low-level light sources.  There are
a lot of low-level light sources in the scene:

Moon (to the left)
Electric candles (8)
Snow globe
String of lights (many)

The tree lights are just emitting objects, not light sources.

Again, mostly isosurfaces except for:

- The tree is a mesh2 object originaly generated from Arboro and algorithmically
decorated with balls and lights.

- Snow globe glass ball

- Light string (hollow spheres, RC3Metal shells around them, and sphere_sweep
strings between them)

- Rug (rope_sys.inc)

I have another version with some spotlights aimed at the fireplace, but I like
this one better as the moonlight shows up better.


-- Chris R

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