Jim Charter <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote:
> Stephen McAvoy wrote:
> > This goes down the old "we see what we expect to see" road, which is
> > fascinating.
> All it takes for me, is that I get "turned around" in my sense of
> directions. Suddenly an environment I am used to "looks totally
> strange". Yesterday I was walking around a park here called Marcus
> Garvey Gardens.
That renowned son of Jamaica has a garden in NY? Fame!
>It lies directly across 5th Avenue. The avenue just
> stops at one side then continues again on the other side. I was on the
> north side of the park where 5th abutts but I *thought* I was on the
> south side. Total disorientation.
It generally takes mothers little helpers (if your mother is Jamaican) to
> IMHO Huxley (A) was on the right path when he said that
> > the mind is a reducing valve to the universe. It enables us to have an
> > understandable view of it.
> I loved Huxley's writings on art. I especially liked the line that went
> something like: "If religion is the opiate of the masses, then surely
> draperies are the opiate of painters".
LOL in fact I had to leave the office I was giggling so.
>Loved his discussion of the late
> work of Goya.
Missed that.
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