POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Considering avif image format support : Considering avif image format support Server Time
17 Feb 2025 21:59:24 EST (-0500)
  Considering avif image format support  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 27 Jan 2025 09:01:23
Message: <679791b3@news.povray.org>
Test post of the new-ish avif image format alongside a jpeg file created 
by gimp with a quality level of 90.0. The avif I created with ffmpeg 
using an input png file and default settings.

The Ubuntu 24.04 support is quite good for the avif format at this 
point, though, not quite universal (netpbm).

The png file came in at 314737 bytes.
The jpg file at 64355 bytes.
The avif file at 8410 bytes (It's expensive to encode).

One of the attractive bits is the avif format supports hdr and channel 
depths of 8, 10 and 12 bits. Plus transparency - where jpeg does not.

I'm thinking about adding support for the format (in addition to pfm 
(*)) to my yuqk playpen fork.

Bill P.

(*) - The real time ray-tracing (rtr) feature in yuqk has a crude image 
capture to the pfm format today - but POV-Ray (yuqk) cannot read it or 
otherwise save to the pfm image format.

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Download 'matrixhmm100.avif.dat' (9 KB) Download 'matrixhmm100.jpg' (63 KB)

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