On 20/12/2024 19:19, Kenneth wrote:
> Wow, that is a beauty. And a really interesting use of isosurface functions.
> I tried to follow your recent post about the function re-writing from MathMod,
> but got hopelessly lost :-( Very sophisticated! I need to re-read it...over and
> over again, until it sinks into my poor brain...
But no, it's not that difficult.
You just need to know a few tricks and have lot of patience...
* Replace the rise to power '^' by pow(a,b) or write explicitly a*a*a...
* A function is defined by its name and parameters.
The current parameters (x,y,z) may not be written.
#declare foo = function {...} is the same thing that
#declare foo = function(x,y,z) {...}
* Check the number of parameters required by the function.
N required -> N passed and N passed -> N required.
* Mathmod often uses the 't' parameter. In the vast majority of cases,
this parameter can be omitted. 't' is used for animation and/or
* Matmod lets you use 'if' in functions. POVRay doesn't.
You have to replace it with a 'select()'. See TOK's more detailed
* Remember also that POV compares to zero in the 'select()'.
In Matmod this is not always the case.
* In Matmod, declaration is sequential and a function can be redefined.
In fact, the same 'function name' can be used several times.
In POV, this is forbidden (and so much the better!).
* Don't forget the constants and the domains
Sample :
"Animated Bone Cage model by Abderrahman Taha 12/11/2020"
-> Add '#declare' at the beginning, remove the quotation marks, add
'function {' after the equal sign and at the end of the line.
#declare P_Skeletal0 = function{ -y-z+(51/100)*(-x*y+y*z+z*x)+12/10 }
Which can be rewritten as :
"isoTransform = if (
We replace the 'if()' with a 'select()', paying attention to the
condition, which in this case is not relative to (zero) but to (13).
Resulting in :
#declare isoTransform = function {
select (
(x-pi)*(x-pi)-13, // A : condition with respect to 0
P_Skeletal(x,y,z) // If A < 0
1 // Else (A >=0)
Note the deletion of the 't' parameter.
The hardest part is still adjusting the isosurface parameters:
contained_by, threshold, accuracy, max_gradient, ...
All this also works for the parametric part and the
parametric { } POV's object.
Have fun !!
kurtz le pirate
compagnie de la banquise
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