POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Helical SDF for Isosurfaces : Re: Helical SDF for Isosurfaces Server Time
19 Jan 2025 17:18:56 EST (-0500)
  Re: Helical SDF for Isosurfaces  
From: Alain Martel
Date: 13 Dec 2024 12:27:33
Message: <675c6e85$1@news.povray.org>
Le 2024-12-13 à 10:04, Chris R a écrit :
> My current WIP (Scrabble) had a need for a helix that I could texture, and I
> could not find one in Inigo Quilez article on distance functions, so I decided
> to create one myself using his basic principles.
> I started just sing a circular cross section, but as you can see from the image,
> I abstracted it so you can supply any 2D cross-section SDF, (this one is a
> simple 2D square that I rotated 45 degrees).
> Since it is an SDF, applying textures by adding noise works as expected.
> The updated libisoshapes.inc is in GitHub now:
> https://github.com/carath63/povlibrary
> -- Chris R

You should take a look at the f_helix1(x,y,z, Num_Helix, Period, 
Minor_radius, Major_radius, Shape, Cross_section, Section_Rotation) 
functions from functions.inc

Playing with the last three parameters affect the shape of the helix.
Shape : Not sure what it does
Cross_section determine how many sides the cross section have
Section_Rotation rotates the cross section.

f_helix2 works the same, but, the Num_Helix and Shape parameter are not 

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