POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : multiple image_maps as media density-- 'fake' .df3 : Re: multiple image_maps as media density-- 'fake' .df3 Server Time
8 Dec 2024 09:38:40 EST (-0500)
  Re: multiple image_maps as media density-- 'fake' .df3  
From: yesbird
Date: 27 Oct 2024 14:39:39
Message: <671e88eb$1@news.povray.org>
On 27/10/2024 19:00, Kenneth wrote:
> The main problem I am having is that the original DICOM images from my own CT
> scan are *extremely* noisy and of low quality; it is even difficult to see what
> is 'organic matter' and what is just noise.

Yes, looking at attached images I wonder how dentist can fetch some
useful information from them.

> The color_map I used (and the altered gamma setting for the images) was the
> result of a lot of experimentation, to see if I could suppress some of the noisy
> 'garbage' and still retain some of the important details and structures. Small
> tweaks to the color_map produce large changes in the visual appearance!

Yes, turning colormaps can be painful, but I can suggest following:

Don't know what environment are you using, but this extension to VS-Code
has a very useful colormaps editor:

Also a collection of prepared colormaps in my repository can be used as
a good starting point:

> In my opinion, my dentist needs to purchase an improved CT scanner! ;-)

Definitely, and share the images with us :)).

> I am working on that at the moment (thanks for the suggestion!) I will post the
> result when finished.

Very interesting - looking forward to see them.

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