POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : New yuqk solid crackle implementation to address bugs. : New yuqk solid crackle implementation to address bugs. Server Time
10 Nov 2024 07:39:58 EST (-0500)
  New yuqk solid crackle implementation to address bugs.  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 26 Oct 2024 12:03:53
Message: <671d12e9@news.povray.org>
In the past week plus I've picked up working on crackle fixes for the 
cache collision bug - after taking a couple months off from POV-Ray and 
my yuqk fork play.



In further review of the existing crackle and crackle cache 
implementation, I found additional issues affecting performance, storage 
and result (artefacts). Many of these details I've added to a 
documentation text file called "about_crackle" in the "ThinkingAloud" 
directory of the yuqk documentation. The file will be in the next 
release of yuqk (R16) for those interested.

At the moment, I think I've got a working, cache-less, crackle-solid 
implementation. It's sometimes slower, sometimes faster than the 
existing POV-Ray crackle implementation. It's memory footprint is small 
and constant - which helps keep the pattern's performance consistent.

Attached are a couple of isosurface images based upon yuqk's new crackle 
ip_solid implementation. In use too is ip_strength vector feature 
discussed previously. Perhaps I'm also channeling Thomas's recent 
"Pre-Columbian city-state" thread :-). I too used gimp here, but only 
for image-map, image blurring.

Bill P.

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