Il 10/10/2024 14:39, Thomas de Groot ha scritto:
> I just recently re-discovered Hosiah's "Worst Greeble Formula Ever" from
> 2006.
> https://news.povray.org/povray.binaries.images/message/
> %3Cweb.449211d2cc5c4d29a8c263d50%40news.povray.org%3E/
> This is my first Gimp-based heightfield using Hosiah's greeble-
> generating technique. Since 2006 Gimp has evolved and some terms, and
> maybe defaults, have changed. If I can find the time, I shall dig
> somewhat deeper into this fascinating way of producing "greebles"...
A lot of places to explore, and a lot of tales to be told...
Well done!
P.S. Have you tried to add birds projecting huge shadows? It somehow
remembers me of a videogame of years ago (ok, with airplanes instead of
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