On 21.09.24 08:33, MichaelJF wrote:
> mod() seems to affect only the integer part of a float value. E.g.,
> mod(24.88248825,25)=24.88248825 and mod(25.00250053,25)=0.00250053.
> The value of 100 comes from the rounding by str(value,-2,0). E.g.,
> str(24.88248825*4,2,0)=str(99.52995300,-2,0)=100, as the fractional part
> is greater than 0.5.
> Maybe
> #declare centiseconds=floor(mod(clock,25)*4);
> will serve you better.
When I tried this, I got centiseconds from 03 to 99... also not
satisfactory (pun intended!), as I wanted 04 to 00 (or 00 to 96). Then I
looked up my command line... and noticed that +kf and +kff were not
identical (+kf154115 but, accidentally, +kff145155)! So there was a tiny
but growing fractional remainder at each frame number divisible by 25! I
corrected this, and now it works perfect even without floor()!
Nevertheless, thank you for your suggestion!
See you in Khyberspace!
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