Am 21.09.2024 um 04:21 schrieb Jörg "Yadgar" Bleimann:
> Hi(gh)!
> For generating a time display for my current attempt at a Satisfactory
> 1.0 speedrun, I use the following code:
> #declare hours=div(clock,90000);
> #declare minutes=mod(div(clock,1500),60);
> #declare seconds=mod(div(clock,25),60);
> #declare centiseconds=mod(clock,25)*4;
> and the text object is built like:
> But whenever the clock value is divisible by 25 without remainder, I get
> "100" instead of "00" for the centiseconds part of the timestamp. Why?
> See you in Khyberspace!
> Yadgar
Hi Yadgar,
mod() seems to affect only the integer part of a float value. E.g.,
mod(24.88248825,25)=24.88248825 and mod(25.00250053,25)=0.00250053.
The value of 100 comes from the rounding by str(value,-2,0). E.g.,
str(24.88248825*4,2,0)=str(99.52995300,-2,0)=100, as the fractional part
is greater than 0.5.
#declare centiseconds=floor(mod(clock,25)*4);
will serve you better.
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