Am 16.09.2024 um 18:25 schrieb Bald Eagle:
> I find this interesting.
> Somehow that doesn't seem like a lot of spheres for those system specs.
Yes indeed, you're right. While parsing the 14 generation version I got
the message:
"OSP05_CE_3_0_14_244110_onlySpheres.inc" line 54118526: Parse Error:
Expected 'numeric expression', , found instead
Render failed
But there is no single syntax error in this include-file which was
automatically generated by another render. And since the 13 generation
version used some 16 GB peak memory I assumed that there was not enough
memory for the larger version. But in the meantime I have also been able
to render the version with 14 generations. There seems to be another
limit I reached. Most likely the size of an include file may not exceed
2GB, since after dividing the original file of some 4 GB into smaller
pieces (< GB) all went well.
But I think, one has to meet a compromise between the number of balls
and the possibilities to depict them. IMO, 13 generations is a good setting.
> Very nice work! I'm glad you pursued this topic with all of the subsequent
> renders :)
Thank you!
> How long did it take you to adapt this to 3D, and how much extra code is there?
I didn't used the algorithm from
but wrote an approach after formula (3.25) from
first for the 2D-case which was straightforward and caused no problems.
Then I implemented the same idea in 3D and could calculate all balls.
Unfortunately, not just once. Many spheres occurred several times,
sometimes several hundred times. I made some progress in finding rules
to avoid repetitions but couldn't get rid of all the duplicates.
Now that I had been working on the topic for a while, I recognised my
reflection matrices in the code given by Esperanca, which I hadn't been
able to do at first, and was able to convert his rules to POV.
> Maybe just honor one request - do one with iridescent bubbles. :)
Maybe, but this renders a while...
global_settings { max_trace_level infinity }
Best regards
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