I got a really strange problem applying your code to:
superellipsoid {
texture {
pigment {
pigment_pattern {Triplanar(PImg, TriplanarSharpness)}
color_map {
[0.20 rgb <1,1,0>]
[0.50 rgb <1,0,1>]
[0.80 rgb <0,1,1>]
normal {
pigment_pattern {Triplanar(PImg, TriplanarSharpness)}
poly_wave .5
bump_size .75*2
accuracy TriplanarAccuracy / ImageRes
scale 0.75
rotate <0, 30, 0>
translate <0, 0.75, 0>
If you change the rotation of the object, especially > 30*y or < -30*y
in this example, the texture becomes distorted! Also with other types of
What is happening here?
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