Op 16-1-2024 om 02:22 schreef Samuel B.:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
>> Op 15-1-2024 om 01:44 schreef Samuel B.:
>>> "Samuel B." <stb### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
>>>> triplanar mapping
>> Very good!
>> This is what I get with a rapid test of your code. Also attached is the
>> crater map I use.
>> --
>> Thomas
> Hmm, I don't know what's causing those parallel lines, but it might be the lack
> of a sharpness value. I updated the macro, and its new sharpness input /should/
> help mitigate such errors plus any warping caused planar mapping. Also, that
> crater map has some issues... not sure what the problem is. The attached is a
> test render I made today, and the code below is what produced it.
> Sam
Right. I was wondering about those lines too and I assumed they were
somehow generated by the places were the three planes /joined/. I am
wondering now if there might nor be a problem with the seamless (?)
joints of the crater map. going to investigate...
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