Op 23/05/2023 om 18:17 schreef Mike Miller:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
>> Op 22-5-2023 om 23:03 schreef Bald Eagle:
>>> "Mike Miller" <mil### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>>>> I had to post this. I looked over at my work surface and it's starting to
>>>> resemble my rendering.
>>>> Miller
>>> Either
>>> a) you're lying, and this is not a photograph, but another render....
>>> or
>>> b) You've crossed into the nexus between reality and POV-Ray
>>> because it really IS hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.
>> I agree with Bill. How do you *achieve* all of this amazing
>> modelling/scene building? I cannot even dream about equalling your
>> quality work...
>> --
>> Thomas
> Thank you. Too kind. I do enjoy the modeling and scene building. I tend to look
> at the world as "how would I model that!"....and then get all excited about
> modeling it (without triangles). :)
Yes indeed, and you are a master at texturing/uv-mapping your objects.
Personally, much of /that/ work I do with the help of dedicated
modellers (mainly Silo), others here would probably mention Blender at
this stage. Do you use those or do you all the modelling in POV-Ray?
> As far as the quality, I would say most of that is the excellent programming and
> development that has gone into POV - which I had nothing to do with.
> After 30 plus years, I'm still amazed with POV.
> Mike.
Still, when I examine for instance your jacks workbench scene, I am
absolutely overcome by the quality of the lighting. And somehow, it
looks so /casual/ that I wonder where the trick is hidden. Lighting a
scene is - at least for me - something not /casual/ at all!
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