POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : ...thanks for all the fish : Re: ...thanks for all the fish Server Time
15 Feb 2025 02:13:20 EST (-0500)
  Re: ...thanks for all the fish  
From: Thomas de Groot
Date: 24 Dec 2008 03:04:15
Message: <4951ecff$1@news.povray.org>
"Trevor G Quayle" <Tin### [at] hotmailcom> schreef in bericht 
> Looks great!
> For a suggestion, try setting the waves/ripples as functions and combining 
> them
> that way like I have done.  I find that much more flexible and effective. 
> I
> think it may also end up being quicker than using average.  Based on 
> previous
> experience (reflection blur to be exact) I think it had come out that when
> using average (for normals) each element has to get sampled at each poitn, 
> so
> several entries in an averaged normal map caan start to slow the renders 
> down.
> This is of advantage for reflection blur, however I don't think it is in 
> this
> case.  Either way, I find it more flexible.  Then you can take it and turn 
> the
> water into a heightfield rather than normals as well.

Good suggestion.
Imho, I find average quite flexible too... :-)

> I would also suggests adding ripples propogating from the dolphin 
> surfacing.
> You could probably get away with a circular or elliptical ripple, use the
> cylidrical map.  You need to add two levels to this ripple map.  One that
> defines the dissipation of the ripples so that they decrease from maximum 
> at
> the dolphin to zero some distance from the dolphin (use poly_wave to 
> control
> the falloff of the ripples if you don't want it linear).  The inner level
> creates the actual ripples.  Use the cylindrical pattern again but with
> sine_wave and a frequency that matches the ripple spacing you want.  You 
> can
> even add light turbulence to it so it isn't perfectly regular.
> Example:
> #declare Ripple= //ripple normal map
>  normal {
>    cylindrical
>    normal_map{
>      [0.0 rgb 1]
>      [1.0 cylindrical frequency FREQ sine_wave]  //set frequency to how 
> close
> you want the ripples
>    }
>    scale 50  //scale to the size you want
>    translate<-9.6288,-21.3782,0>  //translate to the location you want
>    poly_wave 6  //controls the falloff rate, higher means faster
>  }
Nice one, this. I had something like that in mind, but it was more crude. I 
shall have to try this. Thanks for the suggestion.


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