Alain Martel <kua### [at] videotron ca> wrote:
> >
> > The message pane reports only this info, regardless of the Work_Threads setting:
> > Parse time... using 1 thread
> > Bounding time...using 1 thread
> >
> Can't be otherwise. Parsing and bounding are strictly sequential, single
> thread, operations.
> Photons shooting IF multiple lights or target, radiosity pretrace and
> render are the steps that can use all of your cores.
Ah, good to know. So I guess POV-ray's Windows GUI/CODEMAX message pane is
leaving out any info about the number of threads used for *radiosity*.
BTW, thanks for the tip (in another discussion in the newsgroups here) about
radiosity light not having an effect on scattering MEDIA; I didn't know that.
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