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  Rupture and Wallace puzzle animations (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Eriban
Subject: Rupture and Wallace puzzle animations
Date: 14 Jun 2015 13:45:00
Message: <web.557dbc914180c2c42a35ae760@news.povray.org>

I recently created two more animations of burr puzzles using POV-Ray.

Rupture is a beautiful puzzle designed by Dan Fast. Even though it only consists
of seven parts, it is quite difficult just to take it apart. It requires 21
moves to release the first piece for example.


Wallace is a six-piece burr puzzle designed by Stephan Baumegger. It is not a
normal six-piece burr though, as the pieces have dimension of 3x3xN instead of
2x2xN. The shape of the puzzle pieces makes them lock together for a
surprisingly long time.


I hope you like these. Comments and suggestions are welcome of course.

Kind regards,

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Rupture and Wallace puzzle animations
Date: 14 Jun 2015 14:43:24
Message: <557dcb4c$1@news.povray.org>
On 14/06/2015 18:40, Eriban wrote:

> I hope you like these. Comments and suggestions are welcome of course.

I do like them. They are first class.
They make my head hurt and fingers itch to get hold of them.

Good animation speed and very good choice of music. What & who was it?



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From: Eriban
Subject: Re: Rupture and Wallace puzzle animations
Date: 14 Jun 2015 16:20:06
Message: <web.557de12aa2c446172a35ae760@news.povray.org>
Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
> I do like them. They are first class.
> They make my head hurt and fingers itch to get hold of them.

Thanks. Be warned though, the animations may make these puzzles look easy, but
they're not!

> Good animation speed and very good choice of music. What & who was it?

I did my best to select tracks that fit the animations, and I am quite happy
with what I managed to find. The music for the Rupture animation is "5:00 AM" by
Peter Rudenko. The track for Wallace is "Encore - Tender" by Kai Engel. Both
artist have very kindly made their music available for free, for non-commercial

My upcoming animation will even feature a custom soundtrack. It's an animation
for Super Nova, a puzzle which requires a stunning 166 moves to free the first
piece. For this, my brother created a soundtrack that matches the animation
perfectly. I just heard it today, so I'm still very excited about it. It will be
online in a few days.

Kind regards,

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Rupture and Wallace puzzle animations
Date: 15 Jun 2015 03:08:06
Message: <557e79d6$1@news.povray.org>
Very good animations, and smart puzzles. I am always /puzzled/ (no pun!) 
about how one can achieve to solve them without getting hopelessly lost 
on the way, and unable to reassemble them afterwards. I know I would.


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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Rupture and Wallace puzzle animations
Date: 15 Jun 2015 04:42:41
Message: <557e9001@news.povray.org>
On 14/06/2015 21:17, Eriban wrote:
> Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
>> I do like them. They are first class.
>> They make my head hurt and fingers itch to get hold of them.
> Thanks. Be warned though, the animations may make these puzzles look easy, but
> they're not!

I know. I had one similar to this one, when I was at secondary school.

That was hard enough. :-)

>> Good animation speed and very good choice of music. What & who was it?
> I did my best to select tracks that fit the animations, and I am quite happy
> with what I managed to find. The music for the Rupture animation is "5:00 AM" by
> Peter Rudenko. The track for Wallace is "Encore - Tender" by Kai Engel. Both
> artist have very kindly made their music available for free, for non-commercial
> usage.

I've not heard of either. But then I don't listen to contemporary music.
I like both of them.

> My upcoming animation will even feature a custom soundtrack. It's an animation
> for Super Nova, a puzzle which requires a stunning 166 moves to free the first
> piece. For this, my brother created a soundtrack that matches the animation
> perfectly. I just heard it today, so I'm still very excited about it. It will be
> online in a few days.
Show off. ;-)
I look forward to seeing it.



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From: Eriban
Subject: Re: Rupture and Wallace puzzle animations
Date: 17 Jun 2015 15:25:01
Message: <web.5581c92aa2c446172a35ae760@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> Very good animations, and smart puzzles.

Thanks. I can't take credit for the puzzle designs as they are not my own, but I
do agree that they are well done.

> I am always /puzzled/ (no pun!)
> about how one can achieve to solve them without getting hopelessly lost
> on the way, and unable to reassemble them afterwards. I know I would.

To be honest, the more difficult puzzles are typically shipped assembled.
Getting them apart can be a real challenge, which for the really difficult ones
may span a few days in fact. While disassembling them, I tend to make notes
about which pieces go where and the sequence to disassemble them. Without that,
some of these puzzles are really impossible to put together without computer

That's not the case for Rupture and Wallace by the way. These have only few
pieces and their shape gives enough clues as how they might fit that putting
them back together can be done with a combination of deduction and intuition and
relatively little trial and error.

Kind regards,

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