POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : undersea adventure -- animation WIP Server Time
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  undersea adventure -- animation WIP (Message 1 to 10 of 10)  
From: Kenneth
Subject: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 13 Dec 2012 22:00:04
Message: <web.50ca950250c7bafbc2d977c20@news.povray.org>
Rendered in v3.6.2

Here's the beginning section of my fantasy-like underwater scene (the full
animation will be 600 frames.)  Every now and then you'll notice lighting flaws
(spotlight/media problems), which I'm told have been corrected in one of the
later 3.7 betas.

The discussion of the scene is here...

It's an old-style AVI file, compressed with the Xvid codec.

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Download 'bathysphere_anim_wip.avi.dat' (3581 KB)

From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 13 Dec 2012 22:15:00
Message: <web.50ca98a7dd47988ac2d977c20@news.povray.org>
BTW, the translucent green spheres are meant to be debris in the water. They're
very small, and when the animation is finally rendered with focal blur, they
will look far less annoying ;-)

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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 14 Dec 2012 03:39:47
Message: <50cae5d3$1@news.povray.org>

> BTW, the translucent green spheres are meant to be debris in the water. They're
> very small, and when the animation is finally rendered with focal blur, they
> will look far less annoying ;-)
  Yeah, they add a lot to the "undersea impression", which is very 
convincing. This is going to be great when it's finished...


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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 14 Dec 2012 07:49:38
Message: <50cb2062$1@news.povray.org>
On 14/12/2012 3:10 AM, Kenneth wrote:
> BTW, the translucent green spheres are meant to be debris in the water. They're
> very small, and when the animation is finally rendered with focal blur, they
> will look far less annoying ;-)

It all looks good.


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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 14 Dec 2012 16:50:01
Message: <web.50cb9e57dd47988ac2d977c20@news.povray.org>
Jaime Vives Piqueres <jai### [at] ignoranciaorg> wrote:
>   Yeah, they add a lot to the "undersea impression", which is very
> convincing. This is going to be great when it's finished...

Hopefully!  Thanks.

My goal is to do the final FINAL render at 1280X720 resolution. That's going to
take a long time (to put it mildly.)

At one point, I even considered adding motion blur--well, my 'poor man's'
version of it, simply averaging together ten frames to get one blurred one. The
final result would oh-so-nice; but that would require 6000 frames(!). I would
like to still be *alive* when it finises rendering ;-)

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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 14 Dec 2012 17:00:01
Message: <web.50cba0d2dd47988ac2d977c20@news.povray.org>
Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:

> It all looks good.

Thanks; still needs improvements in many ways (as usual!)  The scene has turned
into a labor of love--or else an obsession...  :-O

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 14 Dec 2012 18:03:33
Message: <50cbb045@news.povray.org>
On 14/12/2012 9:57 PM, Kenneth wrote:
> Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
>> It all looks good.
> Thanks; still needs improvements in many ways (as usual!)  The scene has turned
> into a labor of love--or else an obsession...  :-O

I under-praised it. You have the atmosphere just right and the camera 
movement is very realistic as is the fish and sea grass's movement.
I look forward to the next episode .


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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 14 Dec 2012 20:55:44
Message: <50cbd8a0@news.povray.org>
Very impressive!

I'll take your word for it that the annoying spheres are intended ;)

Other that those the only thing that struck me as odd was the
distribution of the long thin blades standing all isolated on
their own. The movement itself is very convincing, though.

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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 15 Dec 2012 14:20:00
Message: <web.50cccc76dd47988ac2d977c20@news.povray.org>
Christian Froeschlin <chr### [at] chrfrde> wrote:
> ...the only thing that struck me as odd was the
> distribution of the long thin blades standing all isolated on
> their own.

Yeah, I agree. It's the typical look of a simple rand() placement of individual
blades. Also, those grass blades are starting to look way too simplistic to my
eyes. I'm toying with the idea of changing them into more complex undersea
plants of some kind, that undulate along their lengths based on the local
'water' movement surrounding them. (Perhaps by using a spline shape in a
#macro.) *That* should be a challenge!

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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: undersea adventure -- animation WIP
Date: 15 Dec 2012 15:35:01
Message: <web.50ccde4add47988ac2d977c20@news.povray.org>
You might notice that the two robotic arm lights have 'mirror image' movements.
Just laziness on my part. :-(  They need to move independently, which would add
more life to the scene.

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