POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : first try at colision-detection Server Time
23 Feb 2025 07:24:24 EST (-0500)
  first try at colision-detection (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Blua Tigro
Subject: first try at colision-detection
Date: 15 Nov 2010 14:05:00
Message: <web.4ce1836f2d8ab97e47e8d1ab0@news.povray.org>
use :
1 - create a number of zone's :
    //mx,my,mz = center
    //dx,dy,dz = border
    zonebox( nr , mx , my , mz , dx , dy , dz )
    //r = radius
    zonesphere( nr , mx , my , mz , r )
2 - zonehit( zone_nr_1 , zone_nr_2 )
3 - #if ( colision )
       //do somthing whit speed[s] of zone[s]

on the moment it only does box - box or sphere - sphere
sphere - box and box - sphere
wil be added later

who knows this whit other shapes ?

this has not been tested jet

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