POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Lens Flare Animation. Server Time
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  Lens Flare Animation. (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Nimish Ajmani
Subject: Lens Flare Animation.
Date: 23 Feb 2008 17:25:01
Message: <web.47c09c3ade045716835874580@news.povray.org>
Well, yesterday I posted a sample of my new Lens flare system as a still image.
I've created another scene for my animation, which is under the project title
"Invasion" and have posted it here.

I am not sure the effect works as well as I would have hoped.  I was hoping for
some opinions on the animation, and any suggestions to invoke a greater sense
of Drama.

I have thought of the idea of haveing the ships coming away from the sun and
towards the planet, which would also allow for more time to see the lovely
flare, but I was hoping for some comments.

The whole sequence took nearly 7 hours to render, and I'm working on the other
effect now, and it's barely gone into the first few minutes.

Any and all comments would be most appreciated.

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From: Jan Dvorak
Subject: Re: Lens Flare Animation.
Date: 23 Feb 2008 17:30:10
Message: <47c09e72@news.povray.org>
Nimish Ajmani napsal(a):
> Well, yesterday I posted a sample of my new Lens flare system as a still image.
> I've created another scene for my animation, which is under the project title
> "Invasion" and have posted it here.
> I am not sure the effect works as well as I would have hoped.  I was hoping for
> some opinions on the animation, and any suggestions to invoke a greater sense
> of Drama.
> I have thought of the idea of haveing the ships coming away from the sun and
> towards the planet, which would also allow for more time to see the lovely
> flare, but I was hoping for some comments.
> The whole sequence took nearly 7 hours to render, and I'm working on the other
> effect now, and it's barely gone into the first few minutes.
> Any and all comments would be most appreciated.
I think it looks more like a HUD than a lens flare.

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From: Nimish Ajmani
Subject: Re: Lens Flare Animation.
Date: 23 Feb 2008 17:50:01
Message: <web.47c0a250539d71b7835874580@news.povray.org>
Jan Dvorak <jan### [at] centrumcz> wrote:
> Nimish Ajmani napsal(a):
> > Well, yesterday I posted a sample of my new Lens flare system as a still image.
> > I've created another scene for my animation, which is under the project title
> > "Invasion" and have posted it here.
> >
> > I am not sure the effect works as well as I would have hoped.  I was hoping for
> > some opinions on the animation, and any suggestions to invoke a greater sense
> > of Drama.
> >
> > I have thought of the idea of haveing the ships coming away from the sun and
> > towards the planet, which would also allow for more time to see the lovely
> > flare, but I was hoping for some comments.
> >
> > The whole sequence took nearly 7 hours to render, and I'm working on the other
> > effect now, and it's barely gone into the first few minutes.
> >
> > Any and all comments would be most appreciated.
> I think it looks more like a HUD than a lens flare.

I'm not good with acronyms.  What is "HUD"?

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From: Nicolas Alvarez
Subject: Re: Lens Flare Animation.
Date: 23 Feb 2008 18:04:19
Message: <47c0a673$1@news.povray.org>

> Jan Dvorak <jan### [at] centrumcz> wrote:
>> I think it looks more like a HUD than a lens flare.
> I'm not good with acronyms.  What is "HUD"?

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