POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Qube Server Time
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  Qube (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: triple r
Subject: Qube
Date: 11 Feb 2008 23:20:01
Message: <web.47b11d3f6adc8192ae42298f0@news.povray.org>
A nice idle computer begs for some numbers to crunch, so here's some recycled
results from about a year ago.  To really do 'good' CFD would require a
complete overhaul, but it's perhaps marginally better than the semi-Lagrangian
technique.  I think the channel height Reynolds number is about 250, which puts
it beyond the realm of accuracy.  FYI, it turns out a general
speed*length/viscosity (= Reynolds #) fully defines the problem, so if you've
solved one Re, you've solved for all whole class of flows.  Further FYI, the
sizing in this problem is for air at about 1m/s and a cube of 2.5 mm!  That's
why turbulent flow is such a challenging problem.  Think of analyzing a 747...
(I think an estimate was around 760 Million years for a full simulation.

 - Ricky

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From: nemesis
Subject: Re: Qube
Date: 12 Feb 2008 00:00:01
Message: <web.47b1278584171dd1cb801e460@news.povray.org>
holly crap!  too much math for me... are those blobs?

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From: triple r
Subject: Re: Qube
Date: 12 Feb 2008 00:15:00
Message: <web.47b12a5e84171dd1ae42298f0@news.povray.org>
"nemesis" <nam### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> holly crap!  too much math for me... are those blobs?

df3 files with isosurfaces.  Should figure out how to mesh it.  Another project
for another day.

 - Ricky

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Qube
Date: 12 Feb 2008 13:28:36
Message: <47b1e554@news.povray.org>
triple_r nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2008/02/12 00:10:
> "nemesis" <nam### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> holly crap!  too much math for me... are those blobs?
> df3 files with isosurfaces.  Should figure out how to mesh it.  Another project
> for another day.
>  - Ricky
3df! Do it as media ;)

It doesn’t matter what you do. It only matters what you say you’ve done and what 
you’re going to do.

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