Meanwhile, I started to re-publish Atari ST monochrome mode versions of
Dan Byers' "Eye Candy" videos (of course with his permission) on
YouTube, this time using frames of 1600 by 1600 rather than 400 by 400
pixels (the latter would fit into the original monochrome resolution of
the Atari ST, which is 640 by 400) to enhance visibility and output quality.
The links:
Eye Candy #1, Floyd-Steinberg dithering:
Eye Candy #4, Floyd-Steinberg dithering:
Eye Candy #4, no dithering, threshold value 50:
Watch preferably at 720p or higher!
Non-dithered version of Eye Candy #1 coming up during the next two
hours, Eye Candy #2 and #5 probably this evening (CET)!
Later, I also will generate Atari ST color mode (4/640 by 200, 16/320 by
200 and 512/320 by 200) and Commodore 64 (16/40 by 25 and 16/160 by 200)
versions - but this will probably be only in April, as I yet have to
implement the color palette optimizing features in YIP (Yadgar's Image
Processor)! Watch out!
See you in Khyberspace!
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