POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Boom! as an m1v Server Time
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  Boom! as an m1v (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Tail Kinker
Subject: Boom! as an m1v
Date: 22 Jul 2006 23:45:55
Message: <44c2f0f3$1@news.povray.org>
I've put the m1v version on my web page.


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From: Roman Reiner
Subject: Re: Boom! as an m1v
Date: 24 Jul 2006 04:10:00
Message: <web.44c47f141cf575fcf1fa29800@news.povray.org>
Hi Tail

Tips for improvement:

The explosion should grow MUCH faster at the beginning. use something like
scale pow(clock,1/2) or make the exponent even smaller. This results in a
fast expansion at the beginning and a slower expansion towards the end.
In contrary the debris should be scaled proportional to the clock (linear
movement) but it should expand faster than the explosion itself. I would
suggest something like scale n*clock when using 1/n for the exponent for
the explosion. fiddle around with the values until you're happy with it.

Also could you add more jitter to the debris? imho it's looking too regular.
Assuming your using a sphere with a procedual texture on it i recommend
using several spheres with a less dense texture and scale them with slighly
different factors. when using just a few additional spheres there shouldn't
be too much influence on the rendertime.

Apart from that good start! :-)

Regards Roman

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From: Tail Kinker
Subject: Re: Boom! as an m1v
Date: 24 Jul 2006 06:33:28
Message: <44c4a1f8@news.povray.org>
Roman Reiner wrote:
> Hi Tail
> Tips for improvement:
> The explosion should grow MUCH faster at the beginning. use something like
> scale pow(clock,1/2) or make the exponent even smaller. This results in a
> fast expansion at the beginning and a slower expansion towards the end.
> In contrary the debris should be scaled proportional to the clock (linear
> movement) but it should expand faster than the explosion itself. I would
> suggest something like scale n*clock when using 1/n for the exponent for
> the explosion. fiddle around with the values until you're happy with it.

I actually did use something like that, but obviously I need to fiddle 
with it.

> Also could you add more jitter to the debris? imho it's looking too regular.
> Assuming your using a sphere with a procedual texture on it i recommend
> using several spheres with a less dense texture and scale them with slighly
> different factors. when using just a few additional spheres there shouldn't
> be too much influence on the rendertime.

Heh...The debris is actually 3,000 independant objects.  Didn't think of 
doing it the way you suggested...maybe I'll try that.

> Apart from that good start! :-)
> Regards Roman

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