POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : First 100% command-line-only animation project, scene file to anim (MPEG4) Server Time
24 Feb 2025 05:00:48 EST (-0500)
  First 100% command-line-only animation project, scene file to anim (MPEG4) (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Greg M  Johnson
Subject: First 100% command-line-only animation project, scene file to anim (MPEG4)
Date: 17 Jul 2005 20:51:26
Message: <42dafd0e@news.povray.org>
I am reevaluating the codecs I export to just because it's to hard to find 
an MPEG-1 in linux.

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Download 'huh_its_mpeg4.mpg.dat' (45 KB)

From: Nicolas Alvarez
Subject: Re: First 100% command-line-only animation project, scene file to anim (MPEG4)
Date: 17 Jul 2005 23:06:18
Message: <42db1caa@news.povray.org>
I couldn't see it. WMP even tried getting a codec from internet.

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From: Rune
Subject: Re: First 100% command-line-only animation project, scene file to anim (MPEG4)
Date: 18 Jul 2005 20:39:26
Message: <42dc4bbe$1@news.povray.org>
I couldn't see the animation. MPG-1 ensures universal viewability and is the 
standard courtesy for this forum (or so I've heard).

3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
rune|vision:  http://runevision.com
POV-Ray Ring: http://webring.povray.co.uk

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From: Greg M  Johnson
Subject: Re: First 100% command-line-only animation project, scene file to anim (MPEG4)
Date: 23 Jul 2005 23:09:12
Message: <42e30658@news.povray.org>
It's funny.  I've often found that even the best MPG encoders (TMPGENc) 
would often choke on an extremely short and boring (little action, lotsa 
black) animations-- something must have just gone wrong with the processing 
in the MPG encoding algorithm. I would (IIRC) get no anim at all-- no .MPG 

No here,  with an extremely boring anim (little action, lotsa black)  ffmpeg 
did not choke, it in fact created an anim that Kaffeine in linux could see 
but Windoze *could not*.  WTH?

I add some complexity and white background to the scene , a voila! I get 
this anim with the exact same keystrokes.  it plays on linux's kaffeine and 
on WMP on my winxp box.  WTH?

"Rune" <new### [at] runevisioncom> wrote in message 
>I couldn't see the animation. MPG-1 ensures universal viewability and is 
> standard courtesy for this forum (or so I've heard).
> Rune
> -- 
> 3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
> rune|vision:  http://runevision.com
> POV-Ray Ring: http://webring.povray.co.uk

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Download 'huh_mpg03try.mpg' (118 KB)

From: Tek
Subject: Re: First 100% command-line-only animation project, scene file to anim (MPEG4)
Date: 24 Jul 2005 08:24:39
Message: <42e38887@news.povray.org>
Greg M. Johnson wrote:
> It's funny.  I've often found that even the best MPG encoders (TMPGENc) 
> would often choke on an extremely short and boring (little action, lotsa 
> black) animations-- something must have just gone wrong with the processing 
> in the MPG encoding algorithm. I would (IIRC) get no anim at all-- no .MPG 
> file.

That's wierd. I've never had any problems with TMPGEnc, even on pretty 
short anims (though I tend to never do anything shorter than about 25 
frames). Have you tried using different compression modes? I always use 
"Constant Quality" at 25fps and everything else is just default options.


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From: gregjohn
Subject: Re: First 100% command-line-only animation project, scene file to anim (MPE=
Date: 24 Jul 2005 09:10:01
Message: <web.42e3929ca6216dcafe8460780@news.povray.org>
Tek, I know you to be one very talented guy.  Ever tested the limits of
boringness?  Someday I'll post the code that caused this problem, maybe
after I've had a chance to test it with TMPGENc.

Tek <tek### [at] evilsuperbraincom> wrote:
> That's wierd. I've never had any problems with TMPGEnc, even on pretty
> short anims (though I tend to never do anything shorter than about 25
> frames). Have you tried using different compression modes? I always use
> "Constant Quality" at 25fps and everything else is just default options.
> Tek

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