It's gone a little quite on this newsgroup so I thought I'd post this.
It's a test of a few techniques I'm working on for an IRTC entry: Firstly,
making a section of road that follows a spline (thanks to Gille's ExtrudeSpline
macro). Secondly, moving the camera relative to a path along that spline.
Thirdly a test of the colour palette I'm developing for the piece. And finally
trying out the light glows trick that Alex Klutchikov used in his "really hot
thing" image on p.b.i (where the camera is actually looking at a reflection of
the scene, in a surface with a specular component that causes glows areound
light sources.
I've set up a short bit of code to position the camera and mirror for the glows
just given a camera position and look at point, I'll post the source for that
(or anything else) if anyone's interested. Oh and it flips the camera so you
don't get a reversed image.
The objects at the start are just a few placeholders for traffic, though
obviously there's still rather a lot of work to do!
Now all I need to do is get my bike driving through there...
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Download 'curve test000.m1v.mpg' (559 KB)
"Hugo Asm" <hua### [at] post3teledk> wrote in message
> Great, mighty glows! :o) Smooth movement.. really nice. Perhaps I should
> read the thread from "really hot thing".
It's pretty simple really, here's the code I use to put glows on the lights:
#include "transforms.inc"
//set the camera position and location
#declare vCamPos = <0,1.5,0>;
#declare vCamLook = <0,0,20>;
//place the camera so that the mirror image will appear to be from the desired
#declare vMirrorPos = vCamPos + vnormalize(vCamLook-vCamPos)*.001;
camera {
right x*image_width/image_height
up y
direction -z*.7 //use -ve z, to compensate for reversal in the mirror
location vMirrorPos-(vCamPos-vMirrorPos)
look_at vMirrorPos
//the mirror
disc {
0, -z, .002
texture {
pigment { rgb 0 }
finish {
reflection 1 //reflection, to show the image
specular 3 roughness .005 //highlights, to give glows on lights
Reorient_Trans( -z, (vCamLook-vCamPos)*<1,0,1> )
Reorient_Trans( (vCamLook-vCamPos)*<1,0,1>, vCamLook-vCamPos )
translate vMirrorPos
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