POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Water - Isosurface that ripples down Server Time
26 Feb 2025 22:03:24 EST (-0500)
  Water - Isosurface that ripples down (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: John D  Gwinner
Subject: Water - Isosurface that ripples down
Date: 8 Jul 2001 12:34:55
Message: <3b488baf@news.povray.org>

  Here's the file I aluded to in the post in povray.animations.  It uses


  And the surface seems to move 'down'.  It's a neat effect if you wrap it
around a sphere.

  It almost looks ok, due to Mike's /10 on the wavefunc, but you can't do
large waves with it or it just looks wrong.  Play the animation a few times

  == John ==

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