POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : WIP : Tempest in a Tea Cup Server Time
26 Feb 2025 12:10:54 EST (-0500)
  WIP : Tempest in a Tea Cup (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Dennis Clarke
Subject: WIP : Tempest in a Tea Cup
Date: 9 Dec 2001 23:47:25
Message: <3C143E00.4040102@blastwave.com>
I really don't know what I'm heading towards but I've always wanted to 
deconstruct the UTAH Tea Pot and then have it fly apart.  I've given each 
patch a separate color and motion for clarity.  The next step is to group the 
patches together so that the body is distinct from the handle and the lid.  Maybe.

QuickTime 5 format animation at


64 frames at 320 x 240 6 fps
14Mb ... no compression

Dennis Clarke

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Download 'tpot_001.avi.dat' (328 KB)

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