POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Playing with matrix transforms : Re: Playing with matrix transforms Server Time
8 Feb 2025 10:29:07 EST (-0500)
  Re: Playing with matrix transforms  
From: Kenneth
Date: 3 Feb 2025 12:25:00
Message: <web.67a0fafa28e99934e83955656e066e29@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> "Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > Rune's old 'illusion.inc' file is a prime example [of a complex matrix];
> > I use it a lot, but its workings are a mystery to me.
> I have never used it, and the instructions puzzle me.
> Perhaps if you could post a scene using it, and the intermediate render, then
> maybe I can have some idea how to use it and see how it works.

(Sorry for the delay, I was updating my own notes about illusion.inc and running
more test renders.)

Yeah, it was confusing to me as well when I first tried to use it-- mainly
because it is set up as a demonstration file rather than a basic include. And
the demonstration results are a bit confusing, IMO. It is basically a different
way of applying an image_map to objects-- but from the camera's viewpoint, and
with a rather magical matrix manipulation that alters the 'depth perspective' of
the applied image.

It is still available at

(Rune mentions that the download has a 2010 update by Sam Benge, which is
apparently no longer part of it; I checked recently.)

Back in 2013, I posted some preliminary info about how the include file works:

I also posted a kind of explanatory animation at the time, but it is in
an older .avi video format:

I should mention have been using my own simplified and slightly updated version
of the include file for years. I've had thoughts of posting it-- along with my
own set of instructions and a different demo-- but was worried that it might
infringe on Rune's original copyright notice from 2003. Although, I now see that
an update would probably be OK to post.

Rune's matrix transform is quite mysterious (to me) because it uses the
*camera's* settings, along with some math manipulations that are presently way
over my head.

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