William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> I recently made a post about rolling your own random noise generators
> with f_hash() over in the v4.0 forum:
> I found myself with a few hours to burn this afternoon so I gave
> creating a special noise video a try based upon f_hash(). The core
> of the code is:
> #include "functions.inc"
> #declare Seed00 = 7834.5540283051168443;
> #declare Delta = 880+frame_number*0.00002;
> #declare Step = sqrt(Delta) *0.00025;
> #declare Fn2Dlen = function (x,y) {
> f_2x_f32_vlength(f_enc2x_f32(x,y))
> }
> #declare Fn00 = function {
> f_hash(
> (
> f_hash(Fn2Dlen(x+Delta,y+Delta),Seed00,Step,0)+
> f_hash(Fn2Dlen(x-Delta,y+Delta),Seed00,Step,0)+
> f_hash(Fn2Dlen(x+Delta,y-Delta),Seed00,Step,0)+
> f_hash(Fn2Dlen(x-Delta,y-Delta),Seed00,Step,0)
> ),
> Seed00,0,0)
> }
> #declare Pigm00 = pigment {
> function { Fn00(x,y,z) }
> }
> Above there are four distance to x,y coordinate based f_hash()s feeding
> a final f_hash() function - all using the same seed value. An mp4 video
> attached.
> Bill P.
This is hypnotic, but maybe too small scaled to let us gaze at its evolution...
Unless it can't show bigger cells ?
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