"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Very cool!
> BTW, I'm running Windows 7, and the animation doesn't play in "Windows Media
> Player" itself... but plays fine in all of my other video-viewing apps. It's an
> old problem; I'm thinking that the .dat file-type extension that the POV-ray
> newsgroups append onto uploaded videos is the cause(?)
No, it's not the file-type extension. Same here, Windows 10 does'nt play h.264
encoded files too. But I'm not using the 'good' old Windows Media Player.
> I'm looking forward to seeing how your animation progresses!
It's going very slowly, I'm working on the decor, stairs, pipings, electrical
systems and displays. Lots of technical equipment and a surprising story in the
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