POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Animation via yuqk's f_hash() inbuilt function : Re: Animation via yuqk's f_hash() inbuilt function Server Time
10 Feb 2025 18:32:45 EST (-0500)
  Re: Animation via yuqk's f_hash() inbuilt function  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 2 Dec 2024 09:20:49
Message: <674dc241$1@news.povray.org>
On 12/2/24 05:47, Mr wrote:
> This is hypnotic, but maybe too small scaled to let us gaze at its evolution...
> Unless it can't show bigger cells ?

Thanks. It's admittedly a bit small at its native size. It was what I 
could do quickly while aiming for a 10 second animation at under 3MB. If 
your browser or viewer supports a full screen mode, you might find it 
some help - my old eyes do.

I have a two minute animation in my space with a slightly larger pixel 
resolution, larger 'noise-steps' and a much slower frame rate. The 
slower frame rate is better for viewing the evolution. The mp4, though, 
is a little over 29MB. I've attached the last frame of that animation.

The slower frame rates compress much less well (with my ffmpeg novice 

Bill P.

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