On 3/1/2019 9:00 PM, Jörg "Yadgar" Bleimann wrote:
> Hi(gh)!
> On 28.02.19 17:30, Mike Horvath wrote:
>> Here's the animated version of the Munsell scene.
>> Mike
> Neat retro look with dithered 8-bit color! Reminds me of the 386s
> running Windows 3.1 (or was it even 3.0?) "Diamond Driven" in Cologne
> University's computer pools back in 1996... er, wait, they had only EGA
> graphic cards, which was pretty messy when trying to display true color
> graphics! And this through those tiny IBM spyholes...
> Which kind of dithering did you use - Floyd-Steinberg?
> See you in Khyberspace!
> Yadgar
> Now playing: I Travel (Simple Minds)
It doesn't say. I use this:
Except my copy came with Paint Shop Pro 5.
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