On 6/20/2017 12:44 PM, Pekka Aho wrote:
> Here's another version with more frames in it, thus a bit longer and slower than
> the first one.
Yes, that is better. :)
What is causing it to go out of focus? Is that the isosurface or is the
space pilot had too much to drink? :)
The animation consists of 2 separate parts again, so I couldn't
> manage to make the transition from 1st to 2nd quite as smooth as I had wanted.
> Well, better luck next time then. :)
It is really hard to do just using PovRay. A third party tool to fade
the clips together. Would probably be a good idea.
Having said that I did attempt to do it in the animation below. About 8
seconds in I put a transparent box in front of the camera then played
with the normals to fuzz things up.
I was experimenting with some BVH movement files in Poser.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8-FW4NIiIc
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