POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : yet another fire animation (yafa ?) [340KB animated gif] : Re: yet another fire animation (yafa ?) [340KB animated gif] Server Time
14 Oct 2024 12:46:43 EDT (-0400)
  Re: yet another fire animation (yafa ?) [340KB animated gif]  
From: Paul Vanukoff
Date: 1 Feb 2000 11:30:57
Message: <38970a41@news.povray.org>
"Greg M. Johnson" <gre### [at] my-dejanewscom> wrote in message
> Could you please post an MPG?
> GIF's only play once through clunkily as they load in my reader, and I
> don't get to replay them. . .

Sorry. Well, I don't have an MPG encoder handy here (at work). I could post
an avi if so desired. If so, what codec should I use?

Paul Vanukoff
van### [at] primenetcom

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