POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0) Server Time
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  weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0) (Message 4 to 13 of 23)  
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From: Warren
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0)
Date: 14 Jan 2022 06:10:00
Message: <web.61e1592fc82cc78e1d602a3e756b296@news.povray.org>
Cousin Ricky <ric### [at] yahoocom> wrote:
> On 2022-01-13 10:06 (-4), Warren wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I post a message here, because I get a weird render with povray 3.8.0 beta 1 of
> > a scene with the following resolution : 1280x960 (see attached image with this
> > message) , you can see a white stain that has the shape of a heart near the
> > pentagram. When I render this same scene with stable v3.7.0 the white stain
> > doesn't appear. And even weird, when I render this scene with povray "3.8.0
> > beta1" but with the resolution of 640x480, I don't get this white stain in the
> > final image.
> What I've found so far:
>  - The artifact varies with the image size.  A 960x720 render leaves an
>    oblong stain on the upper left vertex.
>  - The artifact isn't completely absent with 640x480.  At 640x480, tiny
>    white spots appear along the veins of the pentagram, but they are
>    absent in a 3.7 render.  I presume that this means you did not put
>    them there deliberately, and that they are related to the big heart-
>    shaped stain.
>  - 3.8 beta 2 does not solve the problem.

There are other things to consider:
- First off, set the boolean 'PlaceWell' (line 19 of main pov file) to false, to
get a faster rendering, the heart shape artifact being always there.
- Changing the minimum_reuse value from '0.015' to '0.01' make the 'heart shaped
artifact' to disappear, but the little white stains you talked about are there,
it seems.

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From: William F Pokorny
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0)
Date: 16 Jan 2022 13:46:53
Message: <61e4681d@news.povray.org>
On 1/14/22 6:06 AM, Warren wrote:
> Cousin Ricky <ric### [at] yahoocom> wrote:
>> On 2022-01-13 10:06 (-4), Warren wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I post a message here, because I get a weird render with povray 3.8.0 beta 1 of
>>> a scene with the following resolution : 1280x960 (see attached image with this
>>> message) , you can see a white stain that has the shape of a heart near the
>>> pentagram. When I render this same scene with stable v3.7.0 the white stain
>>> doesn't appear. And even weird, when I render this scene with povray "3.8.0
>>> beta1" but with the resolution of 640x480, I don't get this white stain in the
>>> final image.
>> What I've found so far:
>>   - The artifact varies with the image size.  A 960x720 render leaves an
>>     oblong stain on the upper left vertex.
>>   - The artifact isn't completely absent with 640x480.  At 640x480, tiny
>>     white spots appear along the veins of the pentagram, but they are
>>     absent in a 3.7 render.  I presume that this means you did not put
>>     them there deliberately, and that they are related to the big heart-
>>     shaped stain.
>>   - 3.8 beta 2 does not solve the problem.
> There are other things to consider:
> - First off, set the boolean 'PlaceWell' (line 19 of main pov file) to false, to
> get a faster rendering, the heart shape artifact being always there.
> - Changing the minimum_reuse value from '0.015' to '0.01' make the 'heart shaped
> artifact' to disappear, but the little white stains you talked about are there,
> it seems.

The following might, or might not, be of help to you with official 
versions of POV-Ray.

I took a quick look at at this bug with my current povr branch and found 
along with some recent bounding code changes it got me to a more stable 
fail for a bug I've been chasing for years. Details posted in the v4.0 

My povr branch is now considerably different than official POV-Ray 
offerings, but after translating the pentagram up by 2x the thread 
radius(a) I got away from the 'white regions.' I never saw the heart 
shaped one - no idea why not in povr. Image attached.

(a) - Media needs clean start and stop intervals. Near coincident 
shape/surfaces can cause confusion and leave intervals open - and with 
emission media this results in extremely bright regions.

Where you had media I moved from min, max samples and interval 
specifications to just 'samples 10'.

In many places you are using the srgb keyword with channel values 
outside the 0-1 range. My povr branch doesn't allow this because any 
'srgb calculation' outside the 0-1 range is wacky. See post elsewhere 
for details. If you need values outside 0-1, use rgb to exactly specify 
what you want for internal linear values.

includes/outdoorsLamp.inc -> debug statement line 218 uses LampZpos and 
it should be LampZPos.

Bill P.

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Preview of image 'image_povrtracefix.jpg'


From: Cousin Ricky
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povrayv3.7.0)
Date: 16 Jan 2022 23:46:33
Message: <61e4f4a9$1@news.povray.org>
On 2022-01-16 14:46 (-4), William F Pokorny wrote:
> In many places you are using the srgb keyword with channel values
> outside the 0-1 range. My povr branch doesn't allow this because any
> 'srgb calculation' outside the 0-1 range is wacky. See post elsewhere
> for details. If you need values outside 0-1, use rgb to exactly specify
> what you want for internal linear values.

For what it's worth, these are the out-of-domain sRGB calls, evaluated
under assumed_gamma 1:

  srgb < 1, 0.9, 0.65> * 1.3 = rgb <1.8233, 1.4313, 0.6829>
  srgb < 1, 0.9, 0.65> * 1.15 = rgb <1.3758, 1.0815, 0.5186>
  srgb 8 = rgb <131.4473, 131.4473, 131.4473>
  srgb 3 = rgb <12.8298, 12.8298, 12.8298>
  srgb < 1.5, 1, 0> = rgb <2.5372, 1.0000, 0.0000>

The post elsewhere with details:

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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0)
Date: 17 Jan 2022 21:50:00
Message: <web.61e62a6cc82cc78e4cef624e6e066e29@news.povray.org>
[Running v3.8.0 beta 1 in Windows 10]

This is a very tricky problem to diagnose; I am seeing inconsistent results from
render to render, even at the problematic 1280X960 render size. Sometimes the
heart-shaped stain is there, sometimes not.

[Warren wrote:]
// There are other things to consider:
// First off, set the boolean 'PlaceWell' (line 19 of main pov file) to false,
// to get a faster rendering, the heart shape artifact being always there.

Even with that change, I still get inconsistent results.

Interestingly, I commented-out this code block in your main file to see what
would happen; it's your lamp-placement block, I think...

#for( It, 0, PositionsNum - 1, 1 )

..... but I still see the (inconsistent) artifact.

That still leaves your pumpkins and candles in the scene-- with *their* lights.
Maybe those include files would be a place to look? Perhaps you could try
plugging in some crazy values in certain places, to try and *force* the artifact
to always show up and to look even worse.

Strange as it seems, if I simply eliminate your  +bs8  on the command line, I
never see the artifact at 1280X960...well, not in 15 render attempts, anyway. I
have no idea why that would matter.

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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0)
Date: 18 Jan 2022 01:00:00
Message: <web.61e65633c82cc78e4cef624e6e066e29@news.povray.org>
"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Strange as it seems, if I simply eliminate your  +bs8  on the command line, I
> never see the artifact at 1280X960...well, not in 15 render attempts,
> anyway. I have no idea why that would matter.

Forget that; it's probably of no real consequence...because I think I've solved
at least part of the problem (the large heart-shaped artifact).
> ...I am seeing inconsistent results from
> render to render, even at the problematic 1280X960 render size. Sometimes the
> heart-shaped stain is there, sometimes not.

That's because of the scene's radiosity settings. I noticed that there was no
maximum_reuse value given, which means that it defaults to 0.2-- which is quite
large and can result in large splotchy artifacts-- the heart shape, for example.

My image examples are from an animation test. I changed minimum_reuse to 0.09...
and I now see LOTS of such artifacts. The reason why my earlier tests seemed
inconsistent is because of the random nature of such 'splotches' from render to
render, given the values used; and it just happened that the scene's rad
settings were sometimes producing only ONE *major* artifact...or none. The sizes
of such splotches vary according to the 'spread' between the minimum_reuse and
maximum_reuse values.

I also did a test with these rad values:
minimum_reuse 0.03
maximum_reuse 0.031

This produces even more splotches, all of the same (smaller) size.

It's obvious that these super-bright artifacts are showing up along the 'lines'
of the pentagram. The remainder of the problem must be that some of its srgb
colors are 'greater than 1.0' as was mentioned earlier, and are interacting
weirdly with radiosity; or that the scene's lights and fade_powers are somehow
too bright.

Apparently, radiosity is picking up a super-bright color from *somewhere*, and
using it in its calculations.

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Preview of image 'halloweenhouse_artifacts_kw.jpg'


From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0)
Date: 18 Jan 2022 04:50:00
Message: <web.61e68ca3c82cc78e4cef624e6e066e29@news.povray.org>
"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:

> That's because of the scene's radiosity settings...
> My image examples are from an animation test. I changed minimum_reuse to 0.09...
> and I now see LOTS of such artifacts...

Forgot to mention that I changed the scene's rad 'count' from 800 to 80 for
these test renders, just to make quicker tests.

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0)
Date: 18 Jan 2022 07:00:00
Message: <web.61e6aba3c82cc78e1f9dae3025979125@news.povray.org>
Good detective work!  :)

Are they "hearts" or --- nephroids?

Is there some sort of "reflection" effect, esp with the circle, that would give
rise to this?

Can the symbol be raised / lowered, scaled, lines widened/narrowed to show an
effect on the artifacts?

Does the same artifact show up with a square or an ellipse...?

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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0)
Date: 18 Jan 2022 09:35:00
Message: <web.61e6cfd9c82cc78e4cef624e6e066e29@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> Good detective work!  :)
Thanks, Cousin Walker! I've been experimenting a LOT with rad over the past 6
months, kind of 'deconstructing' its many variables and how they interact. Test
after test after...

I have not really taken a deep look at Warren's code; there's a lot of
'busy-ness' in the many include files to chew through.

I think the 'heart' shape is due to just a particular juxtaposition of objects
and lights, as 'processed' by the rad settings. They can take on some pretty
weird shapes sometimes, depending on scene geometry.

BTW, I never did a complete *finished* render of this code. Running it as-is
with no changes, the render almost stalls about 2/3 of the way through-- and
this on my 8 core/16 thread machine! I never did figure out the cause. The
pumpkin lights? The candles? Something is causing my machine to churn through
almost endless calculations. For my tests, I had to turn off at least the

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From: Warren
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0)
Date: 19 Jan 2022 06:45:00
Message: <web.61e7f96cc82cc78e1d602a3e756b296@news.povray.org>
> "Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> BTW, I never did a complete *finished* render of this code. Running it as-is
> with no changes, the render almost stalls about 2/3 of the way through-- and
> this on my 8 core/16 thread machine! I never did figure out the cause. The
> pumpkin lights? The candles? Something is causing my machine to churn through
> almost endless calculations. For my tests, I had to turn off at least the
> pumpkins.

Hello / Hi
The scene stalls at 2/3 percent because of the well isosurface (it is a cylinder
parametric function with an add of customized crackle pattern. In addition, I
deleted the heavy-weight tree mesh in the archive posted in 'binaries' forum
section. I you want the complete scene or just take a look at the final image,
you should take a look at my web site:
But I didn't update the archive you can download from there.
Since the first posts of Kenneth and William F. Pokorny , I tested the changes
they suggested (replace srgb with rgb in some cases mainly) but the renders were
not exempt of bugs, unfortunately, excepted for some renders with povray

I think I pointed out a bug, but I've no idea of where it comes from.

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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: weird white stain with beta povray v3.8.0 (not with povray v3.7.0)
Date: 20 Jan 2022 08:25:00
Message: <web.61e96191c82cc78e4cef624e6e066e29@news.povray.org>
I decided to go through all of the scene's include files-- turning off all of
the light sources, correcting any out-of-gamut srgb colors to 1.0 max, and
eliminating every object except the pentagram and the ground.

And I was still seeing the bright radiosity patches :-(

So I made my own VERY simplified scene-- posted below-- using just the bare
necessities of Warren's code plus a few simplifications... and finally
discovered what I think are the root causes of those bright patches. There are
THREE reasons, as far as I can tell:

1) The sky-sphere object is the primary cause. Comment-out that sphere, and the
problem patches disappear.

2) Radiosity's 'media ON' switch is also a primary problem; turn that OFF and
the patches disappear.

3) The media-pentagram is, I think, halfway embedded in the ground; that seems
to definitely be adding to the problem, for some reason. Move it even slightly
upward (like William P. mentioned), and the number of bright patches greatly
decreases. Not completely, though, as 1) and 2) still produce some patches at

I don't know what is going on with rad's 'media on' switch; but the sky-sphere
problem does not make any sense to me, as its colors are only 0.3 maximum...
certainly not 'super bright'.

Maybe others here have some additional clues?

// 1/19/22-- reduced version of Warren's 'HallowHouseScene' code,
// by Ken Walker

#version 3.7;

#declare RAD_ON = true;
#declare P_start = 64 / image_width;
#declare P_end_final = 4 / image_width;
#declare GroundScale = < 80, 1, 160 >;

assumed_gamma 1.0

radiosity{ // mostly Warren's settings
pretrace_start P_start
pretrace_end   P_end_final
error_bound 0.2
minimum_reuse 0.09 // Ken
maximum_reuse 0.091 // Ken
nearest_count 9
count 800
recursion_limit 1
always_sample off
gray_threshold 0.6
brightness 1
adc_bailout 0.01/2
normal on
media on // [If OFF, that ELIMINATES the super-bright radiosity patches.]

 look_at <6, 5, 0>

background{color srgb 0.05}

// This light is NOT the cause of the bright radiosity patches.
light_source{<-2,4,-3 >*1000000 color srgb <0.5,0.5,0.6>*0.75 }

#declare SkyPigment =
    gradient y
        [0.0 color srgb 0]
        [0.75 color srgb <0.075, 0.075, 0.15>]

// with 'media on' in the rad block) ---

sphere{0, 1
    pigment{ SkyPigment }
    finish{ diffuse 0 emission <1,1,0.95>*0.3}
    scale 4000000
    hollow on

#declare RedCol = color srgb <255,40,0 >/255;
#declare OrangeCol = color srgb <255,155,0 >/255;
#declare Clear = color srgbft <0,0,0,0,1>;
#declare FireMix =
        [0.4 RedCol ]
        [0.5 OrangeCol]
        [0.6 RedCol]

#declare PointsNumber = 5;
#declare PentagramRadius = 4;
#declare PentagramScaleFactor = 12/PentagramRadius/2;
#declare LineRadius = 0.01;

#declare PentagramCirclePoints = array[PointsNumber]
{<0,0,0>, <0,0,0>, <0,0,0>, <0,0,0>, <0,0,0> }

#for( It, 0, PointsNumber - 1 )
#declare PentagramCirclePoints[It] = <0,0,PentagramRadius>;
#declare PentagramCirclePoints[It] = vrotate(PentagramCirclePoints[It],
< 0,360/PointsNumber*It,0>);

//Link pentagram points
#declare Pentagram =
torus{ PentagramRadius, LineRadius sturm }
cylinder{ PentagramCirclePoints[0], PentagramCirclePoints[2], LineRadius }
cylinder{ PentagramCirclePoints[0], PentagramCirclePoints[3], LineRadius }
cylinder{ PentagramCirclePoints[1], PentagramCirclePoints[3], LineRadius }
cylinder{ PentagramCirclePoints[1], PentagramCirclePoints[4], LineRadius }
cylinder{ PentagramCirclePoints[2], PentagramCirclePoints[4], LineRadius }
     pigment{ color srgbft <0, 0, 0, 0, 1> }
             color srgb 8 // This is not the major problem; change
                          // to 0.1 to see
             samples 30
             intervals 1
             density{bozo scale 0.1}
    //translate (.03 - .04*clock)*y // moving the pentagram away from the
    // GROUND reduces the number of super-bright radiosity splotches--
    // I think the pentagram is halfway embedded in the ground.

#declare brown1_srgb = color srgb <122, 72, 57> / 255;
#declare brown2_srgb = color srgb <126, 76, 62> / 255;
#declare brown3_srgb = color srgb <114, 62, 53> / 255;
#declare brown4_srgb = color srgb <102, 53, 43> / 255;
#declare brown5_srgb = color srgb <93 , 43, 38> / 255;

#macro T_5var_Wrinkles( multiplicateur, Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5)
          [0.0 Col3*multiplicateur]
          [0.125 Col2*multiplicateur]
          [0.25 Col1*multiplicateur]
          [0.375 Col2*multiplicateur]
          [0.5 Col3*multiplicateur]
          [0.675 Col4*multiplicateur]
          [0.75 Col5*multiplicateur]
          [0.875 Col4*multiplicateur]
          [1.0 Col3*multiplicateur]
          scale 0.005

#macro Pig_5colors_Wrinkles( multiplicateur, Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5)
          [0.0 Col3*multiplicateur]
          [0.125 Col2*multiplicateur]
          [0.25 Col1*multiplicateur]
          [0.375 Col2*multiplicateur]
          [0.5 Col3*multiplicateur]
          [0.675 Col4*multiplicateur]
          [0.75 Col5*multiplicateur]
          [0.875 Col4*multiplicateur]
          [1.0 Col3*multiplicateur]
         scale 0.005

#declare T_brown2 = T_5var_Wrinkles(1.12  ,brown1_srgb, brown2_srgb,
brown3_srgb, brown4_srgb, brown5_srgb)
#declare GrayPig = Pig_5colors_Wrinkles(1.12, color srgb 0.6, color srgb 0.65,
color srgb 0.7, color srgb 0.75, color srgb 0.8)
#declare BrownPig = Pig_5colors_Wrinkles(1.12  ,brown1_srgb, brown2_srgb,
brown3_srgb, brown4_srgb, brown5_srgb)

#declare FinalGroundPig =
    gradient y
         [0.0 GrayPig ]
         [0.1 BrownPig ]

// simpler substitution for Warren's height_field ground
#declare WholeGround =


#local Norm = < 0, 0, 0>;
#local StartPos = < -12, 100, -11>;
#local FinalPos = trace( WholeGround, StartPos, -y, Norm );
#if( Norm.x != 0 | Norm.y != 0 | Norm.z != 0 )
object{ Pentagram scale PentagramScaleFactor translate FinalPos }

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