Dear Sir,
I have compiled povray-3.7.0beta25b on gcc-4.3.1 Linux debian sarge kernel
../configure COMPILED_BY="Mirsad Todorovac <mto### [at] grfhr>"
--prefix=/home/osob/mtodorov/local --with-boost=/home/osob/mtodorov/local
mtodorov@magrf:~/povray-3.7.0.beta.25b$ which povray
However, there is an error in configuration file lookup. It doesn't look into
$PREFIX/etc/povray/3.7/povray.conf, but under /usr/local, as if there was no
mtodorov@magrf:~/povray-3.7.0.beta.25b$ povray
povray: cannot open the system configuration file
/usr/local/etc/povray/3.7/povray.conf: No such file or directory
No input file provided
I hope this bug report will help you solve the error.
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> However, there is an error in configuration file lookup. It doesn't look into
> $PREFIX/etc/povray/3.7/povray.conf, but under /usr/local, as if there was no
> --prefix=/home/osob/mtodorov/local
This problem has been reported and fixed some time ago already
for the the next beta.
- NC
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