When rendering the isosurface shown below in beta 25 (or 24 for that matter), I
get 'missing' render blocks both in the preview and in the final picture which
are completely or partially replaced by gray stripes. When I remove either the
transparency (in pigment) or the reflection (in finish) the problem disappears.
Enlarging the container seems to change the pattern but doesn't eliminate it. In
addition, the present box should be ample and anyway this sample works fine as
it is in 3.6.
// Isosurface sample
camera { location 10*y look_at 0 }
light_source { 50 color rgb 1 }
#declare fn_surface = function { pattern { ripples } }
isosurface {
function { y-fn_surface(x,0,z) }
accuracy 0.005
max_gradient 5
contained_by { box { <-10,-4.9,-5>,<10,2,5> } }
pigment { color rgbt 0.9 }
finish { reflection 0.7 }
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